当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 社会礼仪与环境退化:如何解决? //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/the-social-rituals-and-environmental-degradation--how-to-tackle-/ 26-12-2018 2019-01-04 Umesh Kulshrestha 第13卷,第3期 我很高兴向大家介绍本期的《当今世界环境》。我必须感谢作者的选择,我们的审稿人的奉献和管理团队的不懈努力,这些都有助于期刊及时出版。本期共收录了二十篇文章,涵盖了不同的重要环境主题,如噪音污染、废水处理、生态系统、土壤污染、能源效率、恒河水质、森林火险asse

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淡水短缺与现代技术安排 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/freshwater-shortage-and-arrangement-by-modern-technology/ 2019-01-04 穆罕默德设置 第13卷,第3期


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海拔和冠层覆盖对希腊爱奥尼亚群岛山区气温的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/altitude-and-canopy-cover-effects-on-air-temperature-in-a-mountainous-region-of-ionian-islands--greece/ 2019-01-12 Athanasios Kamoutsis, Kostas Chronopoulos, Aristidis Matsoukis 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Air temperature (T), one of the most important climatic parameters of mountain terrain in tourism industry,1&nbsp;is considered as a key driver for many physical processes that influence the distribution of vegetation.2 Topography contributes greatly to the prevailing T conditions. Altitude (alt), in particular, seems to have a more distinguished influence on thermal environment in relation to other parameters, such as slope and aspect.3-5 In general, it is known that an incr



印度哈里亚纳邦梅瓦特土壤重金属污染评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/assessment-of-heavy-metals-in-relation-to-soil-pollution-at-mewat--haryana--india/ 2019-01-04 Gopal Krishan, s.k. Chandniha, A.K Lohani, Brijesh Yadav, Naresh Arora, Surjeet Singh, C.P. Kumar, Lalit Sharma, A.K Bhardwaj 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Soil heavy metal pollution is worldwide and in terrestrial ecosystems, soils dish up as the most important sink1,2&nbsp;and generally considered to be originating either from geogenic or natural sources or the anthropogenic sources such as agrochemicals and mineral fertilizers, industrial wastes, sewage sludge etc.3,4,5,6&nbsp;As a result of increasing population, urbanization, agricultural activities, heavy metal pollution in agricultural soils is the matter of concern



基于模糊层次分析法的森林火灾风险评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/forest-fire-risk-assessment-using-fuzzy-analytic-hierarchy-process/ 2019-01-04 Divya Mehta, Parminder Baweja, r.k. Aggarwal 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Forest fires are extensive and critical facet of the world. The annual global area burned due to forest fire ranges from 300 and 450 Mha.1&nbsp;Over 80 percent of the global area burned occurs in grasslands and savannahs, primarily in South Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. Globally fires are frequent over most of the earth except in areas of scant vegetation and near the poles.2 India witnesses most of severe forest fires during the summer season in the hills of



利用垂直电测深的地下调查:金奈大都市区 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/sub-surface-investigation-using-vertical-electrical-sounding--chennai-metropolitan-area/ 2019-04-17 J. Saravanan, Kishan Rawat , Sudhir Singh 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Groundwater is becoming an increasingly scarce resource.1,2,3,4&nbsp;With industrial and domestic water demand expected to double by 2050.5&nbsp;competition among urban, peri-urban, and rural areas on groundwater resources is likely to increase. Increasing population and rapid urbanizationare already aggravating the demand on fresh water supply in the cities and it is expected to increase in future.6&nbsp;The impact of climate change on precipitation patterns, river f



坦桑尼亚梅鲁山斜坡上土地利用和土地覆盖的变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/land-use-and-land-cover-changes-on-the-slopes-of-mount-meru-tanzania/ 2019-01-08 Aldo Kitalika , Revocatus Machunda , Hans Komakech , Karoli Njau 第13卷,第3期

Introduction In the modern world, LULC is inevitable since human use their environment for their development. Human may use the atmosphere, surface and underground of the earth for development and on doing so they may affect the environment. Such changes occur as a result of complex processes that involve modifications in land-cover and land use,1&nbsp;and they are determined by the interaction in space and time between biophysical and humans endeavors.2&nbsp;Such processes include bu


研究土地空间利用与土地变化是土地利用规划可持续发展的必然要求。对梅鲁山山麓坡地部分土地进行了30年的环境变迁分析。利用IDRISI软件环境下的卫星土地利用/覆被图和元胞自动机(CA)空间滤波,评估了1986 - 2016年的重要土地利用变化。此外,2026年的未来土地利用,即未来十年(10)

印度露天铁矿噪声水平的职业性暴露 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/occupational-exposure-of-noise-level-in-opencast-iron-ore-mines-in-india/ 2019-01-09 Anand Deshmukh , Shivkumar Prajapati , Rahul Mishra 第13卷,第3期

Introduction The contribution of mining industry to the Indian economy is enormous; mining has contributed around 2.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in year of 2015-16 with 20% contribution of mining of minerals. Industrial development in any country is driven by iron &amp; steel, because of the fact that it largely influences a country&#39;s economic status.1 The iron ore is an essential raw material used in the manufacturing of Iron &amp; Steel. Thus, mining of iron ore has be



城市周边农田土壤重金属污染评价杜鲁米采石场在姆佩佩,尼日利亚阿布贾 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/assessment-of-heavy-metal-pollution-in-soils-from-farms-in-the-vicinity-of/ 2019-01-04 Fatimah Ojo, Tukura Wokhe, Madu china 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Crushed rock quarrying is a mining activity, largely carried out in most parts of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja, because of the availability of large deposits of rocks that adorn the city and obviously for socio-economic benefits. Quarrying is a destructive development activity whose socio-economic benefits may be unable to compensate for the overall detrimental effects on natural ecosystems as it produces immediate and long term undesirable effects in the environment an


评价了阿布贾杜鲁米采石场周围蔬菜农场土壤中8种总重金属和生物可利用性重金属(Cr、Cu、Cd、Zn、Mn、Ni、Pb和Fe)的季节浓度以及一些理化性质,以了解土壤重金属污染水平。对照土样和实际土样分别采于旱季和雨季,土壤深度分别为0.0 ~ 5.0cm和5.0 ~ 10.0cm。重金属浓度在样品和对照中变化不一致。旱季水平Z

印度巴特那恒河水的物理化学和生物特性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/study-of-physico-chemical-and-biological-characteristics-of-the-water-of-river-ganga-at-patna--india/ 2019-01-04 Kumari Satya, Chandravir Narayan 第13卷,第3期

Introduction River is a structure comprising the major route and the tributaries, the flow of which carrying an important load of substance in dissolved and particulate phases as of both natural and anthropogenic sources. The river Ganga is a holy and historic river of India. The river has the largest basin among the rivers covering 26.3% of the entire geographical region of Indian sub-continent. The river Ganga covers 475 km area in Bihar; Patna city is situated on the bank of the Ganga. The


恒河发源于印度中部喜马拉雅地区的南坡,开始于Gangotri冰川。这条河覆盖了861404平方公里的集水区,它在比哈尔邦的总长度为475公里。这项研究是在恒河巴特那的两个采样点进行的,即diga Ghat(上游)和Gai Ghat(下游)。研究的目的是观察恒河在巴特那的隆起。结果表明,河流到达城市附近

印度西喜马拉雅地区农村不同农业气候带的能源消费模式 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/energy-consumption-pattern-in-different-agro-climatic-zones-in-rural-habitations-of-western-himalayan-region--india/ 2019-01-04 S. K. Bhardwaj, R. K. Aggarwal, Tanvi Kapoor 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Energy is fundamental need to achieve the unified economic, social and environmental aims of sustainable human development. India&rsquo;s energy sector has grown tremendously in recent years. Further economic and population growth, allied to structural trends such as urbanization and industrialization, point to continued rapid expansion in demand for energy. It is found that the share of energy consumption in India and China has also been on the rise due to very fast growth r


研究了印度喜马偕尔邦农村不同气候带(亚山地低山丘亚热带、中山亚湿润、高山丘湿温带和高山丘干温带)的能源消耗格局。在选定地区采用多阶段随机抽样的方法进行住户选择。编制了一份预测问卷,用于进行初步调查。从研究中发现,90% -100%的家庭参与了研究

环境因子和外来植物入侵对菲律宾宿务岛Manunggal山本地植物多样性的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/effects-of-environmental-factors-and-alien-plant-invasion-on-native-floral-diversity-in-mt--manunggal--cebu-island--philippines/ 2019-01-04 Jake Garces, Mary Joyce Flores 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Plant diversity patterns and composition can be influenced by several abiotic and biotic factors at different spatial scales. At local scales, plant diversity and composition are influenced by geophysical factors (i.e., soil, topography), land use, and biotic interactions. At regional scales, plant communities are influenced by climatic factors and biogeographical processes such as the action of pollinators and dispersal patterns.1&nbsp;Islands nations like the Philippines



印度某地下铅锌矿设备操作人员全身振动暴露监测评价及相关健康风险评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/monitoring-and-evaluation-of-whole-body-vibration-exposure-of-equipment-operators-and-assessment-of-associated-health-risk-in-an-indian-underground-pb-zn-mine/ 2018-12-21 2019-01-08 Bibhuti Mandal, Shivkumar Prajapati, Syed Hussain, Rahul Mishra 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Whole-body vibration (WBV) is transmitted to the human body as a whole through supporting surfaces such as feet, buttocks and back.1&nbsp;Exposure to WBV at work is linked to adverse effect on human health, discomfort and perception among others. Several factors are responsible for intensity of exposure to WBV arising from heavy earth moving equipment operators. These include machine related factors (vehicle type, design, age, condition of vehicle, suspension, seat arrangemen


暴露于全身振动(1-80 Hz)下,采矿业劳动力腰痛和其他肌肉骨骼疾病的发病率较高。本研究的目的是确定在地下矿山中定期部署的12台采矿设备的振动强度,并根据ISO 2631- 1:20 97指南评估其操作人员的长期健康风险。观察到,低姿态自卸车(LPDT)和载重卡车;

尼日利亚阿达马瓦州约拉屠宰场屠宰的一些成年牛的牛肉、牛肉和内脏中农药残留水平的比较分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/comparative-analysis-of-the-level-of-pesticide-residues-in-beef--chevon-and-internal-organs-of-some-grown-cows-slaughtered-in-yola-abattoir-of-adamawa-state--nigeria/ 2019-01-10 Maitera Oliver, Hitler Louis, Bata Yusuf, Adeleye Aderemi, Akakuru Ozioma, Magu Odey 第13卷,第3期

Introduction 1&nbsp;Pesticide residues in livestock generally accumulate by two ways, either applied to animals as insecticide &ndash; impregnated ear tag, spray, self-treatment back rubber, dust bags, injectable or through pesticide spray on agricultural crops and fodder. These compounds are primarily designed to kill insects, fungi, and weeds but have been found to be toxic. These pesticidal properties are unique and pose a threat to human health and environment.2&nbsp;Pesticide



在Juet校区利用太阳能和生物质能开发节能建筑的可行性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/feasibility-studies-for-developing-energy-efficient-building-in-the-juet-campus-using-solar-and-biomass-energy/ 2019-01-10 Abhishek Verma, Shiva Y, Harshit Bapna, Lal Kushwah, Kshitij Mudgal 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Importance of the renewable energy resources in the energy mix of the countries has been gaining importance worldwide. Growing population combined with increasing demand for domestic and industrial needs has been exerting huge stress on the energy sector. The environmental issues such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, climate change etc; warrant the utilization of conventional energy resources and emphasize the need for clean fuels in energy mix.1 The problem is more crit


建筑行业已成为全球变暖的主要贡献者之一,因为在其生命周期中过度消耗能源。在这方面,利用太阳能、风能和生物质能等替代能源;作为传统能源的替代品,可以有益地应用于实现电力消耗的潜在节约。非常规能源的适应与节能夹具的使用相结合,为日益增长的能源需求提供了可持续的解决方案。 华里和艾富伦市环境噪声污染评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/assessment-of-environmental-noise-pollution-in-warri-and-effurun-metropolitan-cities/ 2019-03-04 Godwin Birma , Baba Rani Issa , Emmanuel Ukpebor 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Noise pollution, majorly a by-product of high human population density and developed industrial state, is now globally recognized as a major challenge for the quality of life in urban areas. It is becoming progressively perpetual, yet unnoticed form of air pollution even in developed nations. The growth in noise pollution is unsustainable because it involves direct, as well as cumulative, adverse health effects. It also adversely affects future generations and has sociocultura

.. 环境噪声污染不仅影响生活质量,而且造成严重的健康和社会问题。采用Cirrus积分平均声级仪:型号CR262A确定22个选定采样站的噪声级。在上午、下午和晚上进行了噪声测量,以评估双城内的噪声污染。结果显示,两组间差异无统计学意义(p < p;gt;0.05)。
康格拉区Palampur区枝海动物的季节丰度及其与池塘生态系统理化参数的关系 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/seasonal-abundance-of-cladocerans-and-their-relation-to-physico-chemical-parameters-of-pond-ecosystem-in-palampur--dist--kangra---h-p--/ 2019-01-10 Kalyani Supriya, Ramesh Chauhan, Balwinder Singh 第13卷,第3期

Introduction A pond is a shallow body of water with a muddy bottom that has rooted plants growing from shore-to-shore. Because the depth is so shallow, water temperatures are fairly uniform from top to bottom but will change as air temperature fluctuates. Increasing urbanisation, industrialisation and excessive use of fertilizers , pesticides in the field windling the quality of water both qualitatively and quantitatively and depleting the aquatic fauna.1&nbsp;Furthermore, there is a very



好氧砖砂(Abgs)净化器是另一种解决方案:解决印度农村污水处理问题 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/aerobic-brickbat-grit-sand--abgs--purifier-is-the-alternative-solution--tackling-the-problem-of-rural-wastewater-treatment-in-india/ 2019-01-10 Priyanand Agale, Parag Sadgir 第13卷,第3期

Introduction In 2015 not only most of the countries in world have adopted the agenda for sustainable development 2030 but also agree to take its 17 goals of the sustainable development. Even though 2.5 billion people from the world still, lack of access to developed sanitation facility.28&nbsp;Though world achieves sanitation target but the Sustainable development goal 3 will not satisfying it is just because of lack of wastewater treatment facility. A developing country such as India whe



不同模式对Chambal沟壑区生物量碳、固碳潜力和土壤性质的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/biomass-carbon--carbon-sequestration-potential-and-soil-properties-as-influence-by-different-modules-for-management-of-chambal-ravines/ 2018-12-20 2019-01-10 Akhilesh Singh, S. Verma, Priyadarshani Khambalkar, Shashi Yadav, Sunil Rajput 第13卷,第3期

Introduction In recent centuries, the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased to 380 ppm, mainly due to anthropogenic activities.11&nbsp;Forestation plays a very vital role in reducing CO2 through soil carbon sequestration.10&nbsp;Carbon is found in all living organisms and is the main building block for life on earth. It is present in the soil organic matter, plants and animals, geologic deposits, atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) and dissolved in sea water. There is a nee



朱纳加德农业大学校园污水处理厂水力设计 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/hydraulic-design-of-sewage-treatment-plant-for-junagadh-agricultural-university-campus/ 2019-01-10 Vaibhav Ram, Ajay Makwana, Dhaval谢谢 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Water is one of the important and precious natural resources. Efficient use of water is important for agricultural production. At present, the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture is increasing day by day but, the production of chemical fertilizers is lesser than its demand. Moreover, treated sewage water is rich both in organic matter and nutrients which fulfil the requirement of plants (particularly phosphorus and potash). It can be profitably utilized either as irrigatio


朱纳加德农业大学校园位于古吉拉特邦西部的朱纳加德。由于新学校和宿舍的建立,校园里的人口明显增加。2013年校园人口1418人,人均供水量152 lit/day,污水产生量0.0084 m3/s (725.76 m3/day)。因此,需要一个具有适当处理能力的污水处理厂来处理升高的污水。rec < / p > . . 瓦拉纳西巴格万普尔地下水质量的季节性评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol13no3/seasonal-assessment-of-groundwater-quality-in-bhagwanpur-varanasi/ 2018-12-20 2019-01-10 Garima Jhariya, R.M. Singh, Devendra Mohan 第13卷,第3期

Introduction Water is critical and mainly used natural resource. It is fundamental unit of the environment to sustain all kind of life in this planate. Elevated water demand in agricultural as well as industrial sector has been shown in developed country due to unpredicted population growth; urbanization, advancement of technology and higher standards of living.From the total available water on earthonly 0.16% is suitable for individual consumption and the remaining is polluted due to various


