Introduction Recently, concern about air pollution and its effects has increased in the society.1 Therefore, a number of studies have been reported to characterize atmospheric aerosols, especially in urban areas.2-4 Delhi stands out at the second position in the list of most polluted megacities of the world with regard to the particulate pollution.5 Factors contributing to the high levels of pollutants are chiefly because of developmental activities and the large po
Introduction The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) of the European Parliament and of the Council constituted a structure for community movement in the area of marine ecological strategy. It established that European Union (EU) Member States have to define Good Environmental Status (GES), to set environmental target, to develop operative monitoring programmes and to assess every six years the environmental situation of their sea water, by 2020, using eleven qualitative descr
..用电感耦合等离子体法测定了土耳其黑海沿岸采得的地中海贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819)可食组织中Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu、Pb、Cd和Hg的含量。质谱计(ICP/MS)在2015年的生物监测金属污染。在这项工作中,在采样区域即Igneada, Sinop, Samsun和T
中,所有研究的重金属分析量在统计上存在显着差异。Introduction In the last few decades, increased level of carbon dioxide and radiative trace gases in the atmosphere has been observed which induce the climate change and greenhouse warming to the world.1 The global average surface temperature has increased significantly in last 100 years. The projection of many studies has confirmed that in next 100 years the earth will experience with high surface temperature.2 In the present scenario, various environmental components such
..Introduction Agriculture is the most important sector of Indian economy contributing about 18 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). India has about 61% net irrigated agricultural area playing a vital role in food security of the country.12, 46 Groundwater is one of the most used water sources for irrigation. Introduction of contemporary drilling techniques, electrical controlled pumping systems, nominal cost of electricity and groundwater legislation rules are not fully promis
..在本研究中,采用非参数方法,即修正Mann-Kendall (MMK)和sen&&rsquo ' s坡度估计,在1998年至2012年期间,在印度北方邦的Hardoi、Laxmipur、Lucknow和Sitapur 4个地区的13个地点,对地下水位趋势进行了评估。整个趋势分析在5%的显著性水平上得到验证。地下水水位趋势分析显示有7个地点为负值,覆盖了54%
。Introduction Due to industrialization and urbanization, air pollution has turn out to be a serious problem. Now a day’s particulate matter is the big concern due to their undesirable impact on plant and animal.1 The recognition and classification of plants into tolerant and sensitive groups is essential because the sensitive plants can use as an indicator and the tolerant as a sink for the pollutants in city and developed habitats.2 Plants have a very close relationship with nature
。Introduction Microbiological contamination of aquatic ecosystem is a major issue worldwide. Human and animal fecal material is generally considered as greater risk to human health, as it is more likely to contain human enteric pathogens. These pathogens may sometimes pose serious health-hazards to the environment and human population through water and sediment.1, 2 Padma is one of the largest and important rivers in Bangladesh, which flows adjacent to Rajshah city. Therefore, a huge amount
法对总异养细菌(THB)、总大肠菌群(TC)、粪便大肠菌群(FC)和霍乱弧菌进行计数。Introduction Climate is the composite of all the day-to-day weather conditions in a region over a considerable time. This time period should ideally be long enough to establish relevant statistical information necessary to describe the variations in a region.1 Climate may be thought of as an average of weather conditions over a period of time including the probability for distributions from this average.2,3 Climate is determined by three key factors the amount of energy the
..Introduction Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains encompass thick piles of sediments characterized by regionally extensive and highly productive multi-aquifer system. Extensive groundwater withdrawal over a depth up to few hundred meters constituting the top 2-3 aquifers, mainly for irrigation means, is taking place all across this multi-aquifer system. The groundwater authority of Government of India is constantly monitoring the situation of dynamic state of these aquifers and periodically releasin
北部存在多含水层系统。Introduction As one of the most widely recognized group of arthropods, spiders make up a diverse portion of the world’s invertebrates.1 They are distributed on every continent except Antarctica and have adapted to all known ecological environments except air and open sea.2 Spiders globally include about 47,099 described species in 4,073 genera and 113 families.3 They are unique among all organisms in their modes of silk production and usage and of reproduc
Introduction The Himalayan chain of mountains extending from west to east for about 2500 km and the width varying between 150 to 450 km, is known to be the youngest, largest and highest chain of mountain in the world.1 High diverse compositional pattern of the forests is characteristic of this region.1 The Central Himalayan forests are covered by oak, pine and their associated species. In Indian Himalayan region, most of the temperate forests are occupied by Oak species. Oak
..Introduction Dominican Republic has a tropical climate, with a high climatic variety, presenting a range of rainfall ranging from 700 to 2400 mm per year and temperatures around 25ºC and 30ºC depending on the region of the country.1 Thus, the geographical distribution of water availability puts at risk some populations (for example: Montecristi, Dajabón, San Juan and Elías Piña) with respect to their present and future demand due to the effec
Introduction Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) available in earth’s atmosphere is about 0.04%. In change in amount of CO2 creates adverse effect on environment. CO2 emission occurs due to combustion of fossil fuels, cement production and deforestation which causes global warming. The cement production contributes large amount of global CO2 emission generated from calcinations of lime stone and combustion of fuels in a kiln. In order to control carbon dioxide emissi
..温室气体的快速增加对环境造成了有害影响。在本研究中,用玉米芯灰代替一定量的水泥可以在一定程度上减少二氧化碳的排放。并对混凝土的高温性能进行了研究。本文研究了不同水泥置换水平下,高温对含玉米芯灰(CCA) M25级普通混凝土强度性能的影响。立方体样品经受高温
。Introduction The rich and varied ecosystem providing most of the goods and services to the man kind is none other than the tropical forest. These are the most important ecosystem in the nature, on the planet earth. They provide rich varied resources to the world, upon which human society has continue of to thrive from the time immemorial and are considered as the most complex and species rich ecosystem of the world.1,2 These forests spread across a wide range of eco climatic conditions along
Introduction Water is unquestionably the most precious natural resource on earth. In global perspective, only 3% of the liquid resource is fresh water and other 97% water is oceanic which is saline in nature, although water covers nearly 71% of the Earth’s surface. In Palestine under review of water resource, recycled wastewater as the primary water source for future irrigation demand.11 Wastewater is often a match as irrigation resource where other water sources are inadeq
法对废水灌溉农田土壤进行重金属分析。Introduction Various programmes for creating the awareness about the harmful effect of UV radiation are being organised in different parts of the world by various environmental and health organisations. Besides tanning, various skin problems and even skin cancer are being diagnosed due to UV radiation. It has been estimated by WHO that up to sixty thousand deaths a year are caused by too much exposure to sun rays.1 The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency has also been esti
..紫外线辐射引起各种皮肤问题,从皮肤变红到DNA形状的改变,进而导致皮肤癌。考虑到紫外线对织物的危害,本研究以葡萄叶为原料,开发了一种环保型的棉织物防紫外线整理剂。利用响应面法优化工艺参数,在保持织物其他物理性能的同时获得最大的紫外线防护。< / p > . .
Introduction Undeniably, all water resources be it a surface water source or groundwater, originates from rainfall and constitute the main sources of water for domestic, industrial and agricultural usage. Water scarcity and pollution problems have generated public discussions and concerns by both policy makers and researchers. This has led to several studies on the quality of groundwater and surface water in Ghana using conventional methods.1 Projections from United Nations, 2014, re