Introduction Previous studies on visual landscape assessment mainly involved landscape perception and preference. The visual landscape assessment queries the extent landscape meets a set of specified criteria. In landscape perception assessment, these criteria generally include aesthetic or landscape preferences.1,2 The concept of aesthetics has often been ignored by rational planners.3 Contrary to basic planning approaches, visual assessment studies attempt to integrate esthetics into planni
Introduction Specialists in many areas face the problem of lightning protection and assessment of spatial distribution of lightning discharges. The number of high buildings and site development increases; combustible and explosive substances are widely used in the industry; sensitive electronic devices which react to the interferences caused by lightning discharges are using more and more often in electronics and communication. As a result, damages, caused by lightning discharges, business in
..Introduction The term carbon footprint was not familiar few years back but now it is being widely used by the government and business world. Carbon footprint is a term that can lead to reduced carbon emissions by altering the activities or processes or products to those which are environmental friendly in order to decrease the global climate change1. Climate change has now become a major concern leading to serious issues such as increase in earth’s temperature, increased flood an
..Introduction Monitoring of the state of the environment in the waterway itself and in the entire catchment area is an important tool that should enable decision-makers to correctly determine the priorities in Environmental Management Plans to achieving benefits for its sustainable development 1,2,3,4,5. The Drina River basin extends to 4 countries (Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia), and the state border between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the middl
…Introduction Air pollution in North Africa and the Middle East is receiving increase attention due to its health consequences.1,2,3,4 The Middle East is impacted by frequent dust storms in addition to regional long range transport of air pollution, carried by winds from three neighboring continents: Europe, Africa, and Asia.5 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with a population of eleven million and a land area of 89,000 square kilometers, has undergone an unprecedented rate of growth in the
呈负相关。Introduction In most of period, human settlements are going through progress and revolution. Universal Changes, that appear in all of the world, have most significant impact on the development and formation of cities.1 These progress and revolution have affected several urban problem in political, cultural and economical, and managed to arise of environmental problem. Today urban identity in all aspect of city characteristics 2 depend on the entire history and social charact
。Introduction It is an acceptable fact among the scientists that there is a relationship between anthropogenic activities and accelerated climate changes such as greenhouse gases which are produced from using the fossil fuels and changing the vegetation cover for the seek of urbanization and development.1 Hence, discussion of the global environmental change (GEC) has been increased among the scientific communities which proved its existence in various parts of the world.2 The
Introduction Due to increasing demand for energy and rising cost of fossil fuels, solar energy is considered an attractive source of green energy that can be used to heat water in domestic and industrial sectors. Solar water heating systems generally consist of a solar radiation collector, working fluid, a storage tank, a pump, a piping unit and an auxiliary heating unit.1, 2 The most important factor in solar water heating is its efficiency. The efficiency of a solar water heating s
。 Introduction In Islamic written and documents Ahar has been introduced as a developed city and the location of mystics and thinkers. Its location in the connecting path of Ardebil and Tabriz has contributed to the enhancement of the city’s significance. The religious-cultural, political, commercial issues, and the short distance from Tabriz, are among other factors contributing to Ahar’s gaining significance in the course of history. The monastery of Sheikh-Shaha
..阿哈尔是位于伊朗西北部的一个历史城市的名字。现存的文献和历史著作以及一些铭文、城市及其郊区的建筑和考古遗迹都表明了这座城市的历史悠久。从前伊斯兰时期开始,关于阿哈尔的信息很少。一些遗址,如塞尔柱时期的詹姆斯清真寺和Sheik Shahab Aldin aharyrsquo的建筑群,表明它是伊斯兰时期一个发达的城市。< / p > . .
Introduction Vegetables are vital sources of minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, antioxidants, protein and carbohydrate.1, 2 Whereas, both essential and lethal elements (metals) are present in vegetables. Heavy metals in vegetables mainly occurred due to contaminated soil and irrigation.3 Further, vegetables can easily absorb the metals accumulated on plant surfaces exposed to the tainted ambient.3 the existence of heavy metals in fertilizers enhance the probability
..Introduction In the present scenario urban air pollution becomes a prime concern across the world in both developed and developing countries. Urban sprawl, industrialization and extensive transportation in the urban areas have resulted the poor air quality that affects the both human health and the surrounding environment. Atmospheric nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) are major groups of air pollutants in the urban atmosphere.1 NMHCs are a group of natural and anthropogenic a
..本研究对印度各地不同研究和开发机构的不同研究人员所做的大气非甲烷碳氢化合物的监测技术、来源概况和变异性研究进行了广泛的回顾。大多数研究报告说,由于车辆排放、炼油厂运行、二次工业过程、液化石油气泄漏和生物质燃烧,城市环境中的浓度水平上升到惊人的水平。el < / p > . .
Introduction Beginning of mining and its termination contributes towards both positive and negative effect the socio-economic status of the people living in the mining areas and its surroundings. The positive contribution noticed in the form of increasing income source, job creation/increasing employment, migration, community formation, population growth and maintenance of social activities. While the negative impacts includes labour migration, loss of cultural heritage, and risk of health ha
的326名居民的调查。Introduction Lung diseases are the pinnacle of occupational diseases. Chronic exposure to irritants at work site can lead to pulmonary disease that may persist for prolonged period, even after the exposure ceases. Occupational lung diseases (OLDs) are a broad group of pulmonary diseases developing either from repeated or persistent inhalation of particulate matters, which causes morbidity and even mortality of the workers. The prevalence of OLDs are a major health issue in the workers exposed
..本系统综述综合了关于现代工业时代职业性肺病(OLD)负担及其不可思议的负担的各种研究文献,与冰山现象非常相似。主要的OLDs包括石棉沉滞症、哮喘、煤矿工人尘肺病、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、缺氧、肺癌、金属烟雾热、矽肺病等。我们在Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct中使用选择性关键词和交叉引用
检索仅限于英文的文献。Introduction Historical urban areas. Having cultural values, is a part of social identity and is the identity of every country. This texture is a memorial of old people and must be preserved like a precious cultural treasure. In other words, historical centres require special attention for its value, proximity to city identity and remembrance .Features of open urban spaces, particularly central spaces such as plaza situated at the core of historic city, are directly related to rising selected
Introduction The ornithological history of Delhi, the capital of India, is relatively old. The foremost inventory of bird species in Delhi is made by Basil-Edwardes (1926)1 who reported 204 species and sub-species. Thereafter there are many ornithologists2-7 who worked on similar lines. Apart from this, Kalpavriksh (1991)8 recorded 444 species in Delhi and its surrounding areas and Satya (1993)9 revealed 101 species remarkably affected both positively and negatively by urbanization in Delhi.
..贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学校园是一个独特的校园,不仅拥有自然山脊生态系统,而且拥有巨大的鸟类生物多样性。该调查从2013年1月至2016年12月为期三年。数据是在整个校园的不同栖息地用横线收集的。研究期间共鉴定鸟类114种,隶属于52科19目,其中近危种3种,候鸟2种;3 .夏季旅游
..Introduction In the urban atmosphere nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) are most important groups of air pollutants.1 It is an important precursor of ground level ozone (O3)2–6 and peroxy acyl nitrates (PAN) formation which can injurious to human health and vegetation.7–11 These NMHCs are emitted from both anthropogenic and natural sources in the ambient atmosphere. Thus, major anthropogenic sources are fossil fuel combustion12 automobile exhaust,
。Introduction Ulmus wallichiana, the Himalayan Elm, is a fast growing tree species which grows in Himalayas from Kashmir to Uttarakhand between the elevations of 900 to 3000m amsl. The Himalayan Elm grows to a height of about 30m, with a broad crown having several ascending branches. The bark of the trunk is vertically furrowed and grayish brown in colour. Before the introduction of populous deltoides, it was the most cultivated tree species of the Kashmir valley having multifarious uses viz.,
..本调查是在克什米尔地区瓦杜拉校区的一个22年树龄榆树种植园进行的。2015年在人工林分层D1 (5-10cm)、D2 (10-15cm)、D3 (15-20cm)和D4 (20cm) 4个径级,随机抽取24棵树(每个径级6棵)进行采伐。树木的生长参数随径级的增加而增加。最高株高14.98m,胸径23.77cm,茎体积0.0
。Introduction Terminalia arjuna is a fast growing tree having high biomass production potential and ability to grow on marginal and degraded lands. It has immense economic importance in various industries viz., pharmaceutical, timber, paper, soap, match, food, fodder and fuel. The dried stem bark of Terminalia arjuna has been used widely as a drug in Ayurvedic medicine as a cardio-tonic, for injury or wound, blood disorders, obesity, urinary disorders and ulcer or wound. The tree spec
。Introduction The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was drafted in Rio in 1992 and since then the issue of conservation of forests has become a major concern worldwide. About 40% of the Earth’s surface is covered by forests and woodlands which form the biodiversity rich areas occurring throughout the world.1 The global biodiversity is concentrated in the forests.2 Tropical dry deciduous forests are one of the largely neglected natural resources all over the w
..Introduction Pesticides used to protect crops have led to increased crop yield in the modern world. However, unscientific use of various types of pesticides as affected various forms of life in the environment directly and indirectly. Persistent Organochlorine Pesticide (OCPs) has been applied continuously in the last century to improve the agricultural productivity. These OCPs being persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites are still present in the environments which are having mut
中安全且经济有效的技术。Introduction The Himalaya mountain region is one of the richest and most unusual ecosystems on Earth.1 Indian Himalayan region covers about an area of 4,19,873 Km.2 The unique physiography, climatic conditions, and soil features of the area have resulted in a mixture of habitats and a substantial biological diversity. The Himalayan region affirmsapproximately 8000 plant species (47.06% of the total flowering plants of India) of which 30% are endemics among natives, 10.2% tre
. 3共有75种森林入侵种(FIS)和47种杂草。Introduction Aerosol and air pollution play a crucial role in the urban climatology. Urbanization, industrial development, biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion processes due to growing anthropogenic activities have led to increasing the air pollution that also interferes in the microclimatology of a city.1,2,3 Increasing aerosol loading has caused health related problems associated with air quality problems and has also impacts on the aviation safety due to reduction in the vis
处收集了该区域的直接和全球太阳辐照度的地面数据。Introduction Human beings are vulnerable to more than half of the dose exposure from natural radiation sources1,2 ­­of the radon (222Rn) and its progeny, produced during the radioactive decay chain of uranium (238U) contributing approximately 55% of internal radiation exposure to human life.3 Radon coming on to contact with the land surface get mixed with the groundwater depending on various factors and its level depends on the radium concentration. Groundwater can
Introduction The increasing urbanization and industrialization with changing consumer habits and standards of living have been contributed to the augmentation in MSW.1 The threat of environmental pollution from MSW has been haunting the human being world since early times and is still increasing due to excessive growth in developing countries. MSW is normally termed as ‘‘garbage’’ or ‘‘trash’’ is an expec
..Introduction Climate change is also one of the threats among several other impacting on water resources. Scarcity of water resources, pollution and climate change will be the major emerging issues in the current and next century. Climate change and global warming is the result of a build-up of greenhouse gases (GHG), chiefly carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. Global climate models (GCMs) are fundamental tools for predicting future climate to enable developing a better understanding of climate
..水资源短缺和污染将是当前和下个世纪出现的主要问题。气候变化也是影响水资源的几种威胁之一。GCM是预测未来气候的基本工具,而rcm是研究GCM尚未解决的尺度上的气候机制的杰出工具。CGCM2.3.2 RCM模拟控制期(1961-2000)的气象资料(降水和温度)以及
。Introduction Atmospheric particulate matter represents a complex mixture of organic and inorganic substances of varying size and may enter an organism or plant in a number of ways. Roadside vegetation communities are greatly affected by the dust from highways and roads due to changes induced in biochemical parameters (ascorbic acid content, pH, Relative Water Content, total chlorophyll content).Particulate pollutants can cause many lethal effects on plants like stomatal clogging, reduced phot
..Introduction In rough set, data analysis starts from a table referred to as decision or information table representing an information system.30 A wide range of scientific and medical applications, especially in the field of pattern recognition, data mining, machine learning and process control systems adopted the rough set as a suitable tool.29 Zadeh introduced Fuzzy set theory to the researchers and mathematicians in 1967 stating that, it is not required to have a precise,
Introduction Watershed development and management planning is based on land capability classification . The knowledge of land capability classification is a prerequisite and important for planning, implementation and execution of soil and water conservation programmes.1 Natural resources should be managed in a sustainable manner so that the changes proposed to meet the needs of development are brought without diminishing the potential for their future use.2-3 Use the sat
..地理信息系统是流域划分和流域规划的有效工具。通过土地能力进行土地利用规划是流域管理方案的基础。利用遥感和GIS方法对马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德区苏卡纳盆地进行了流域保护措施土地利用规划。研究区域位于75.33°~ 75.76°之间。经度分别为19.66°、19.98°;N意大利< / p > . .
Introduction Release of large quantities of pollutants into the natural environment has resulted in a number of environmental problems. Heavy metals discharge is of more concern due to its toxicity and tendency of bioaccumulation.1 The anthropogenic sources of metals include industrial, petroleum contamination, sewage disposal and many a lot. Lead is the most recycled non-ferrous metal, utilized in the manufacturing, construction and chemical industries due to its malleable and du
..工业废水中的重金属污染由于其非破坏性、毒性、生物放大和生物蓄积性而成为令人震惊的污染物。本研究介绍了利用动物粪便去除水溶液中铅(II)的方法。对收集到的动物粪便进行酸处理,进一步进行FTIR, SEM / EDAX分析,研究表面官能团的形态和存在。对吸附剂pa
的吸附效果进行了初步的批量研究。Introduction Water is one of the most precious resource on earth without which there would be no life on this planet.1 Inspite of enormous volume of water on the planet, only a small portion is available for use. About 97 per cent of total water is present in oceans and seas which is saline water, and is not useful while fresh water makes up only 2.6 per cent and 4/5 of that is immobilized as ice.2 This small quantity of fresh water is responsible for sustaining al
..喜马偕尔邦索兰地区水资源清单调查“;在2012- 2013年期间进行,目的是编制该地区水资源的详细清单,也添加了一些最新的清单。对于库存,根据预结构形式进行了调查。人们的看法也被记录下来,以验证盘点。索兰区块野外记录水资源总量