当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 适用于印度的分散式污水处理系统的潜力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/potential-of-decentralised-wastewater-treatment-systems-applicable-to-india/ 2016-07-25 2018-11-28 Jitesh Arora , Anuj Yadav , Devendra Saroj 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Access to proper sanitation is a challenge that the world needs to tackle right now. Open defecation is a very serious problem for the world. According to WHO/UNICEF JMP report 2015, 2.4 billion people globally have no access to improved sanitation facilities of which, around 946 million people defecate in the open. Open defecation does not only affect the environment but also causes diseases like cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, diarrhea, worm infestation, under nutrition and


马来西亚巴生谷地区汽车通勤者对模式转换的认知、意识和意愿分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/analysis-of-car-commuters-knowledge-awareness-and-willing-to-modal-shift-in-klang-valley-malaysia/ 2016-08-13 2018-11-28 Sara Kaffashi, Mad Shamsudin, Shaufique Sidique, Abdullatif Bazrbachi, Alias Radam, Khalid Rahim 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Malaysia is a developing country with rapid rate of urbanization and industrialization. One of the obvious impacts of economic development and rise in standard of living is evidenced by increasing number of private own vehicles. The private vehicle ownership is escalating so as congestion and air pollution. Malaysia has a population of 29 million with 22 million registered vehicles from which 16 millions are active on roads1. The current trend of private vehicle ownershi


本研究的主要目的是评估私家车通勤者的行为;了解和关注马来西亚巴生谷与交通有关的空气污染对健康和环境的影响。数据收集使用结构化问卷调查,并采访了巴生谷五个主要地区的450名汽车通勤者。调查结果显示,大多数受访者(58%)了解交通对社会健康和福利的影响日益恶化。,国家统计局< / p > . . 用有机改良剂栽培苋菜对土壤水分的保持作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/retention-of-moisture-in-soil-with-organic-amendments-cultivated-with-amaranthus-hypochondriacus/ 2016-05-30 2018-12-01 Aquino Gabriela , Dionicio Juárez , Fernando Hernández , José Patrón , Miguel Albores 第11卷,第2期

Introduction The water balance in the field is strongly related to hydrological processes over the surface soils, which are actually affected by the global climate change. Accordingly with the UNESCO, the hydric resources and the soil degradation are the principal factor that threatens the sustainability of the agricultural lands of Latin America.1 In the case of temporal agriculture, water is the most necessary and limiting factor for the growth and production of crops, depending on the r


通过田间试验,研究了不同有机改良剂(玉米茬和苋菜茬、羊粪、堆肥和绿肥(紫花苜蓿))单独施用和与水凝胶联合施用对土壤保水性的影响,分别施用于土壤表面和与表层土壤混合,共14个处理。以苋菜(Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.)为研究对象,对其进行了不同时期的干旱处理。同样的< / p > . . 为印尼南苏门答腊Banyuasin农业工业区的综合污水处理厂建模 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/modelling-integrated-wastewater-treatment-plant-for-agro-industry-zone-in-banyuasin-south-sumatera-indonesia/ 2016-06-27 2018-12-01 Hasmawaty Hasmawaty 第11卷,第2期

Introduction In the era of Susilo Bambang Yudhono&rsquo;s government (2009-2014), South Sumatra Province, due to its ownership on natural resources, will be developed as a new center for economic growth in western region of Indonesia. This commitment has following by Government of Banyuasin District policy&ndash; one of district government in South Sumatra Province &ndash;who has making local regulation, Regulation of Banyuasin District 25/2009, to legalizing 8.000 hectares&rs


本文的目的是分析利用环境敏感投资系统(ESIS)设计印尼南苏门答腊岛Tanjung Api-Api (TAA)农业工业区的综合污水处理厂(WWTP)。本文是基于在印度尼西亚南苏门答腊省Banyuasin区进行的实证研究。研究结果表明,E5的废水排放(Q)达到了1吨/天,TSS含量为87.16 mg/l。该数值不超过200mg /l, TSS

重新定义行人寻路网络,作为一种工具,以恢复亚兹德汗广场的活力和响应性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/redefinition-of-pedestrian-route-finding-networks-as-a-tool-to-return-vitality-and-responsiveness-to-yazd-khan-plaza/ 2016-08-13 2018-11-28 Leila Moghimi , Ali Assari 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Urban squares/plazas are places where citizens can gather, stay behind or walk through this valuable urban element and make positive social interactions with friends, facing differences and learning others; in other words it is where communities regenerate themselves through dialogue, action and reflection together with the variety and diversity of activities1.Urban squares/plazas introducing the common types of public spaces in historical cities 2.Since the first urban formation



印度哈里亚纳邦Mewat (Nuh)地区地下水水位波动及TDS变化分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/analysis-of-water-level-fluctuations-and-tds-variations-in-the-groundwater-at-mewat-nuh-district-haryana-india/ 2016-08-06 2018-11-28 Priyanka , Gopal Krishan , Lalit Sharma , Brijesh Yadav , N. Ghosh 第11卷,第2期

Introduction With an estimated abstraction of around 230 billion cubic meter per year, India is reported as one of the largest groundwater users in the world. Nationally, groundwater accounts for 85% of India&rsquo;s rural domestic water requirements and more than 60% of its irrigation requirements2. This excessive use of groundwater has led to its depletion and deterioration of quality in north-west India and across the Gangetic basin which has been reported in many studies3-18. It ha



印度东北部阿萨姆邦Karimganj地区稻田两种蓝藻菌株Calothrix Sp.和Microchaete Sp.的分离与鉴定 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/isolation-and-characterization-of-two-cyanobacterial-strains-calothrix-sp-and-microchaete-sp-from-rice-fields-of-karimganj-district-assam-north-east-india/ 2016-08-23 2018-11-28 Moirangthem Thajamanbi , Jayashree Rout , Nooruddin Thajuddin 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Cyanobacteria are oxygen evolving photoautotropic prokaryotes known to cohabitate with rice and exploited in agriculture for their specific inoculation as nitrogen supplementing biofertilizers in paddy fields.1&nbsp;They have received much attention in soil due to their nitrogen fixing ability and significant contribution in primary production. The rice field ecosystem provides an environment favourable for the growth of cyanobacteria with respect to their requirements for li


在世界不同地区对稻田土壤中发现的各种固氮微藻进行了研究。本研究从印度南阿萨姆邦Karimganj地区的稻田中分离到了两株蓝藻菌,分别为Calothrix sp.和Microchaete sp.,并对它们进行了形态、生化和分子分析。表型表征-生长,色素(叶绿素a,总胡萝卜素

城市固体废物利用mfc发电的研究进展及概念发展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/review-and-concept-development-for-electricity-generation-from-municipal-solid-waste-using-mfcs/ 2016-08-27 2018-12-01 Jahangeer , Pankaj Gupta , Shaktibala , Shamim Rayani 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Both, the demand of energy, and the amount of waste dissipated are ever increasing with the increase in population. The annual estimates from various studies suggest that MSW generation in India ranges between 40 MT and 55 MT.1&nbsp;Along with the increase in waste generation there is also change in the composition of waste generation.2&nbsp;Recently IPCC 2007 reports show the maximum methane (25 times greater GHP) generated from South Asia due to rice food waste. Microbi



生物干扰对印度喜马拉雅中部柏木混交林草本植被的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/effect-of-biotic-disturbances-on-herbaceous-vegetation-in-cypress-mixed-oak-forests-of-central-himalaya-india/ 2016-08-22 2018-11-28 Himani Karki , Pratima Rana , Kiran Bargali , S. Bargali , Y.S. Rawat 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Plants in the under storey layer, maintains the structure and functioning of forests (Singh and Singh, 1987; Bargali and Bargali, 2000; Augusto, 2003; Whigham, 2004; Bargali et al., 2015a). Herbaceous plant layer contains the higher number of species in the forest community and influences nutrient cycling in such a way that is disproportionate to relative biomass (Gilliam, 2007; Rana et al., 2014). This layer is also responsible for approximately 12% of the Gross Photosynthetic P

草本层在维持森林的结构和功能方面发挥着特殊的作用,是森林生态系统中一个未被充分认识的方面。它提供了关于森林立地特征的重要信息。本文研究了立地对印度喜马拉雅中部栎树混交林草本植被的影响。研究地点位于2936 ’56& rsquo; -29o36’79”北纬和7904

硝化抑制剂:一种减少水稻土壤温室气体排放的前瞻性工具 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/nitrification-inhibitors-a-perspective-tool-to-mitigate-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-rice-soils/ 2016-08-13 2018-11-28 Smita Kumar, Sandeep Malyan 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Global climate change is one of the biggest challenges of the twenty first century. Enhance greenhouses effect lead to rise in mean global air temperature and it is projected that mean temperature may increases from 1.5 to 4.5 &ordm;C by the end of 21st century (IPPC 2013). Rise in atmospheric greenhouses gases (GHGs) such carbon di-oxide, methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbon and nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities leads to global warm


稻田是大气中甲烷和氧化亚氮等温室气体的重要贡献者。这些温室气体浓度的增加在改变大气化学方面发挥着重要作用,如平均气温、降雨模式、干旱和洪水频率。在不影响经济生产的情况下,减少温室气体排放以实现可持续农业,是21世纪在国家和全球范围内面临的最大挑战之一。 查谟和克什米尔斯利那加市达尔湖集水区A2情景下的气候变化预估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/projected-change-in-climate-under-a2-scenario-in-dal-lake-catchment-area-of-srinagar-city-in-jammu-and-kashmir/ 2016-07-19 2018-12-01 Saqib Parvaze , Sabah Parvaze , Sheeza Haroon , Noureen Khurshid , J. Khan , Latief Ahmad 第11卷,第2期

Introduction For the past century, increase in temperature and CO2 concentration due various factors including change in the pattern of land use4&nbsp;and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrial and agricultural sectors,7&nbsp;have caused changes in the earth&rsquo;s climate. This increased GHG&rsquo;s concentration was likely to influence earth&rsquo;s temperature as well as precipitation along with the pattern of storms as well as changes to sea levels.3,1,6&n



印度马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德河、地下水水质及其家庭用水适宜性评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/assessment-of-river-and-groundwater-quality-and-its-suitability-for-domestic-uses-in-aurangabad-maharashtra-india/ 2016-07-14 2018-12-03 S. Shinde, K. Patil, P. Sadgir 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Water is very important life supporting material and required for all biotic communities. We depend on water for domestic, irrigation, sanitation and industrial purposes.&nbsp; Industrialization is considered vital to the nation&rsquo;s socio economic development as well as to its political standing in the international community. While development aims at bringing about positive changes in human life, uncontrolled consumption of natural resources both in developed and de



城市振兴对地方感提升的影响(以贝鲁兹街和街道为例)大不里士市Heidarieh宗教剧院) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/effect-of-urban-revitalization-on-promoting-of-sense-of-place-case-study-behrouzieh-alley-heidarieh-religious-theater-of-tabriz-city/ 2016-07-22 2018-12-03 Sevda Jabbari, Saghar Hosseinalizadeh 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Relying on their historical specifications and traditional buildings, cities are regarded as the most valuable works of the past and inheritance of all cities and countries. Referring to historical background of these spaces, it is found that they include unique specifications. Accordingly, the urban planners and architects may make urban spaces important and meaningful through injecting modern thoughts to these contexts. This thought is regarded a kind of &quot;intervention&



基于卫星数据的印度纳纳克萨加尔水库时空地貌变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/temporal-geomorphological-changes-in-nanak-sagar-reservoir-india-using-satellite-data/ 2016-07-20 2018-12-01 Nandkishor Ingole, R.N. Ram, A.S. Nain, Prem Kumar 第11卷,第2期

Introduction The purpose of creating reservoirs are for irrigation, drinking water, hydropower generation, and fish production. The reservoirs in the world are subjected to sedimentation with a rate of approximately 1% per year (WCD, 2000). The rates of sedimentation in reservoirs have the direct&nbsp;&nbsp; relationship with the type and size of the drainage basin. Sediment deposited encroach not only the dead storage portion but also the live storage of the reservoir. Various pro


尝试使用多日期遥感(RS)图像评估Nanak Sagar水库的沉积。IRS LISS III和Landsat-8 (OLI)遥感数据分别于2007年和2015年获取。为了研究不同水位下的容量损失,对1962年的原始容量曲线进行了优化。结果表明:1962 ~ 2015年,由于泥沙淤积,水库形态发生了明显变化。水库累计损失2934.64河

库仑-喜马拉雅栎林林分结构、生产力和固碳潜力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/stand-structure-productivity-and-carbon-sequestration-potential-of-oak-dominated-forests-in-kumaun-himalaya/ 2016-07-13 2018-12-01 Bijendra Lal, L.S. Lodhiyal 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Stand structure significantly determines the aspects of dry matter productivity and carbon potential of forest in each site. However, the productivity of forests not only depends on stand structure and composition of forest but also impacted by several other factors such as climate, soil condition, availability of moisture, and conservation and management practices. In this regard, forest vegetation of any climatic and edaphic condition varies with the variation in environment of


本研究研究了栎树与其他阔叶树种混交林的林分结构、生物量、生产力和碳固存。所研究的森林遗址位于1990年至1995年之间的Nainital地区。N lat。, 79028,,海拔1500-2150米。森林乔木密度在980-1100英里/公顷之间。其中,橡树占69-97%。乔木基材面积为31.81 ~ 63.93 m2 ha-1。杉木和花桐共享最大基底

印度阿萨姆邦恰尔地区3个不同景观中蛇目动物多样性的初步研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/a-preliminary-study-on-odonata-diversity-in-three-diverse-landscapes-of-cachar-district-assam-india/ 2016-05-30 2018-12-03 Susmita Gupta, R. Veeneel 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Fresh water species throughout the world depend on clean, pure and healthy water for their survival.1 Although knowledge of freshwater biodiversity is improving,2&nbsp;large gaps remain, particularly among invertebrates and especially in tropics where data deficient species is greater (50 to 75%&nbsp; data deficient).3&nbsp;It is generally difficult to assess invertebrate diversity as they are often small, cryptic, and seasonal, making even Red List assessments diffic


齿形动物是水生和陆地生态系统健康的重要指标,也是维持食物链营养水平平衡的重要猎物和捕食者。研究了阿萨姆邦恰恰尔县农村(RA)、城市(UA)和茶园(TG)地区不同种类水蜥的多样性、分布及其栖息地水的理化性质。在3个地区共记录到幼虫和成虫14种。< / p > . . 葡萄球菌ES-2对有机磷杀虫剂毒死蜱及其水解产物3,5,6-三氯-2-吡啶醇的生物矿化作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/bio-mineralization-of-organophosphorous-insecticide-chlorpyrifos-and-its-hydrolyzed-product-356-trichloro-2-pyridinol-by-staphylococcus-sp-es-2/ 2016-05-16 2018-12-01 M. , N. S. 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Large quantities of pesticides are used in agriculture throughout the world and most of them are toxic to both humans and animals. Once the pesticide is applied in agricultural field, it remains in the soil for longer periods and sometimes it gets transformed into various byproducts. These byproducts may impact on Environment Organophosphorus (OPPs) pesticides are beeing widely used in agricultural practice for more than 40 years. The toxic accumulation of OPPs is achieved by



泳池-房屋-传统被动冷却最有效的元素 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/pool-houses-the-most-effective-elements-of-traditional-passive-cooling/ 2016-05-25 2018-12-01 Mahboobeh 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Passive systems are used to provide thermal comfort in a building. Passive systems have been used in very old times; and have always been included in building designs. Issues of fuel supply, and environment pollution have doubled the importance of passive systems both for cooling and heating of the buildings, they are essential elements of building architecture.&nbsp; Elements of passive systems are fully related to primary decisions of designing architecture, secondly, they



伊朗传统建筑中的文化生态技术考察:获得伊朗当代建筑综合视角的途径 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/investigation-of-cultural-eco-technology-in-iranian-traditional-architecture-the-way-of-achieving-a-comprehensive-view-point-regarding-contemporary-architecture-of-iran/ 2016-05-11 2018-12-03 Mahmood Feizabadi , Nazanin Rezaei , Farzaneh Raisianzadeh 第11卷,第2期

Introduction The concept of Eco-Technology was raised in 1990 and under the influence of the &#39;Our Common Future&rsquo; report. In this report that published in 1987, sustainable development was specified as &lsquo;&lsquo;development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs&rsquo;&rsquo;.1&nbsp;Since the presentation of Our Common Future, &lsquo;sustainable development&rsquo; is a



泰米尔纳德邦气候等级的变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/shift-in-climate-class-over-tamilnadushift-in-climate-class-over-tamilnadu/ 2016-05-14 2018-12-01 S. , S. , A. P. , G. A. , T. N. 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Climate being a significant driver for best selection of crops in a region, allocation of similar climatic zones has always received plunge. It paves a way for identifying potential productivity zones for various crops.6,7and1&nbsp;delineated climatic zones of India using Thornthwaite and Mather approach.4&nbsp;There is now a strong unanimity that climate change presents a fundamental challenge to the well-being of all countries, with potential of being most harsh on deve


气候是一个地区最佳作物选择的重要驱动因素,相似气候带的分配总是受到影响。预计下个世纪干旱地区的许多地区降水将减少20%或更多。在世界上季节性干旱地区,降雨是一个重要的农业气候因素,对其进行分析是印度农业规划的必要先决条件。西南季风(SWM)和北风(North E) 90年(1911-2000) 泰米尔纳德邦Cauvery三角洲地区的降雨剖面图 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/rainfall-profile-of-cauvery-delta-zone-of-tamil-nadu/ 2016-06-24 2018-12-03 N.K , R. , A. P 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Rainfall is a vital agro-climatological parameter in the seasonally arid fragments of the world and its evaluation an essential prerequisite for agricultural planning in India (Alak gadgil, 1986). Valipour (2013a, 2013b and 2013c) studied the status of irrigated and rainfed agriculture in the world, and summarized benefits and drawbacks of irrigation systems. The author indicated that 46% of cultivated areas in the world are not suitable for rainfed agriculture because of climate



印度西北海岸孟买沿岸重要商业海洋鱼类过度捕捞的经济影响评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/an-assessment-on-economic-impact-of-growth-overfishing-of-commercially-important-marine-ariids-along-mumbai-northwest-coast-of-india/ 2016-06-25 2018-12-01 Ramkumar, A.K., Ranjith, Sushant Chakraborty, G.B., Vinay, Vinod, Rani George 第11卷,第2期

Introduction In Indian waters, marine catfishes were represented by 23 species, of which 11 species forms commercial fishery.17 The distribution of ariids &nbsp;all along the Indian coast between 30 and 80 m depths with maximum abundance over inshore muddy bottom habitats.16,19,21&nbsp;In India, the average annual landings of marine catfish was 11,779 tonnes (1950) which are mainly exploited by artisanal sectors.19 Catfish fishery in Maharashtra is supported by 10 species of which Pli


2013年1 - 12月在印度西北海岸孟买新渡轮码头(NFW)上岸中心对4种优势海鲶幼鱼的上岸进行了经济评价。优势鲶鱼分别为caelnemapteryx(19.7%)、Plicofollis dussumieri(21.5%)、P. tenuispinis(24.8%)和osteogeneisus militaris(27.5%),占该州海洋鲶鱼总捕捞量的93%。在4个物种中,幼鱼的着陆贡献最大

基于水质指数(WQI)的印度泰伦加纳邦海得拉巴Hussain Sagar、Fox Sagar和Kattamysamma湖水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/assessment-of-the-water-quality-of-hussain-sagar-fox-sagar-and-kattamysamma-lakes-of-hyderabad-telangana-state-india-using-water-quality-index-wqi/ 2016-07-16 2018-12-01 Manchala, Praveen Saxena 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Water - the main source of life and one of the most important natural resource of the ecosystem.1&nbsp;Lakes are the major sources of drinking and domestic usage for rural and urban population of India. A lake is a watershed area in which its quality depends upon every component of that ecosystem. The health of lakes and their biological diversity are directly related to health of almost every component of the ecosystem.2&nbsp;Topography of the surrounding area, soil, geo


采用水质指数(WQI)对印度泰伦加纳邦海得拉巴的Hussain Sagar湖、Fox Sagar湖和Kattamysamma湖的水质进行了评价。本研究进行了系统采样,从每个湖泊采集了16个样本。采集样品进行理化参数分析,如pH、电导率(EC)、总溶解固形物(TDS)、总硬度(TH)、总碱度(TA)、钠(Na+)、

一种利用PTO驱动发电机的低油耗发电方法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/an-approach-for-power-generation-with-reduced-fuel-consumption-using-pto-driven-generator/ 2016-07-18 2018-12-01 曼尼什·帕特尔,h·拉赫曼 第11卷,第2期

Introduction With the increased cropping intensity, farmers of developing countries have supplemented animate power (human and draft animal) with tractors, power tillers, diesel&nbsp;engines and electric motors. Electric power plays a pivotal role in various agricultural operations. Besides providing irrigation to the crops, electric power is also used for threshing, chaff cutting, hulling, cane crushing, running small oil extractors, etc. With the increased mechanization methods and use



泰米尔纳德邦Thirumoorthy水库印度主要鲤鱼的刺网选择性和捕捞压力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/gill-net-selectivity-and-fishing-pressure-on-indian-major-carp-in-thirumoorthy-reservoir-tamil-nadu/ 2016-07-22 2018-12-04 R. Velmurugan, N. Neethiselvan, B. Sundaramoorthy, Xavier Rayan, Kalidoss Radhakrishnan, M. Kalaiarasan 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Inland fisheries have an important role which provides employment, income generation, contributing to gross domestic production. In India, 19370 of reservoir has been noticed which consist of 19134 small reservoirs, 180 medium reservoirs and 56 larger reservoirs. The area of small reservoir has been accounted of 47.11% to the total area of reservoir, a highest number of small reservoir was found in Tamil Nadu (8906 including tanks) with area of 0.36 million hectare. The fish prod


在目前的研究中,已经尝试记录在泰米尔纳德邦Thirumoorthy水库作业的渔船和渔具。调查结果显示,季风季节后,刺网捕鱼的单位渔获量为11公斤/船/天,而撒网捕鱼的单位渔获量约为20至30公斤/天。以鲇鱼为优势鱼种,占总渔获量的58%左右,其次是Cirrhinus mrigala(29%)、Labeo rohita(12%)和Cyprinus carpio(2%)。然而,三个物种包括i

预处理和生长素对雾条件下冬栽橄榄半硬木插条生根的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/effect-of-preconditioning-treatments-and-auxins-on-the-rooting-of-semi-hardwood-cuttings-of-olive-planted-during-winter-under-mist-condition/ 2016-07-27 2018-11-23 Manish Thakur, d.d. Sharma, Babita Babita, Pramod Ve 第11卷,第2期

Introduction The olive (Olea europaea L.) is the most important subtropical fruit grown in the Mediterranean region of the world. Known as a highly beneficial fruit, olive oil eliminates excess cholesterol in the blood, controls blood pressure. It is a great source of vitamin E and reduces the effect of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer, benign and malignant tumors. Protects body against anemia, improves fertility and reproductive system. It contains oleic acid which is excellent for heart



时,插条数最多(53.33),主根数(6.58),次根数(8.53),直径(0.46 mm)最大。
Amaravathi盆地Dindigul地区降雨变率及趋势检测 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/rainfall-variability-and-trend-detection-in-dindigul-district-of-amaravathi-basin/ 2016-08-20 2018-11-23 S. Thangamani, A. Raviraj 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Rain is a very important natural phenomenon, which can persuade the human life. In fact, the rain that falls into certain area can viewed because of many factors, which can divided into three segments: space, time and other factor. The rainfall analysis and its results at a particular location can illustrate in above three categories. Several researchers have studied the distribution, variability and trends of rainfall at global, regional and basin scales. A study on temporal (mo


本研究试图找出Amaravathi流域Dindigul地区降水变率、趋势和分布之间的关系,用于地下水管理。对研究区1971-2014年降水的月、季、空间变化进行了详细分析。该地区的年正常降雨量在700至1600毫米之间。东北季风对降水贡献最大,为439mm(50%),西南季风次之,为254 mm (29

用层次分析法和回归分析法预测储层诱发地震活动性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/prediction-of-reservoir-induced-seismicity-by-analytical-hierarchy-process-and-regression-analysis/ 2016-08-23 2018-12-03 Unnikrishnan Sreenivasan, D Kishan, S K Saritha, Shankar Khushwaha 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Earthquakes are one of the most devastating among the various natural hazards.In the last few decades, the world has been faced by a number of large earthquakes which has caused significant destruction of human life and property, earthquakes are the major natural disaster in our country too. The Indian subcontinent has suffered much due to earthquakes being one of the most earthquake prone regions of the globe. The dam age to human life and property due to large earthquakes are s



丹巴德和丹达什的入渗行为及土壤特性评价贾里亚乡镇地区,贾坎德邦,印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/evaluation-of-infiltration-behaviour-and-soil-characteristics-in-dhanbad-jharia-township-area-jharkhand-india/ 2016-08-22 2018-11-23 Ritu Sinha, Prasoon Singh 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Soil is the key ingredient for the maintenance of the ecological services such as cycling of the water, plays vital role in vegetal progression&nbsp;and in the form of&nbsp;foundation material used in the construction of&nbsp;building which ultimately sustains and support the human population.1&nbsp;Besides this, soil also act as source and sink for the contaminant that causes the potential threat to human health.2&nbsp;Continuous urbanization process is the m


由于人类和周围城市土壤之间的相互作用,土壤通常被密封,压实和污染,因此调查 而了解这些土壤的过程、性质和功能对人类来说是一个巨大的挑战。本研究的主要目标是评估稳态渗透速率与[amp;nbsp;]对它有重要影响的参数。T < / p > . . 环保煤炭开采:2019- 2020年中国煤炭公司煤炭产量目标10亿吨 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/environmentally-benign-coal-mining-target-one-billion-tonne-coal-production-by-cil-by-2019-20/ 2016-06-06 2018-12-01 Gurdeep, amarjeet 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Coal is the most abundant fuel resource in India. Coal is the major source of energy and is the principal contributor for the industrial growth of the developing nation like India. Coal is a bridge component in a current, balanced energy group. It is connection for the future as a vital low cost energy solution for achieving sustainability challenges for competing with the developed countries. The largest consumer of coal in India is power sector, and the industrial sector is com


煤是印度最丰富的燃料资源。煤炭是能源的主要来源,也是印度等发展中国家工业增长的主要贡献者。煤炭是当前平衡能源群中的桥梁成分。它是未来的连接,是实现与发达国家竞争的可持续性挑战的重要低成本能源解决方案。印度最大的煤炭消费国是电力部门,工业部门仅次于电力部门。 印度恰蒂斯加尔邦沼气厂案例研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/biogas-plants-in-chhattisgarh-india-a-case-study/ 2016-04-30 2018-11-24 Kumar Shailendra , B. Mishra , M. Khardiwar , S. Patel , B.K. Yaduvanshi , B. P. Solank 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Biogas is a well established, sustainable source and widely-popular source of energy globally by virtue of its production from waste, and available cattle dung. The biogas substitutes both fuel and fertilizer, the plant gives gas and at the same time enhances the fertilizer value of dung. It is estimated that out of the total dung available, 69 % is used as manure, 29 % as cakes for fuel and remaining 2 % is used for other purposes (Nesmith, 1991). In general, by using biogas,


本研究的重点是评估恰蒂斯加尔邦不同地区的沼气厂的性能。来自恰蒂斯加尔邦一个现有沼气厂的数据被用于随机选择的沼气厂的绩效评估。总体而言,恰蒂斯加尔邦平原地区的沼气发电效率为75.73%,其中马哈萨姆德区(83.50%)和杜格区(80.81%)沼气发电效率最高,而莱加尔区沼气发电效率最低(71.7%)。Averag < / p > . . 热带拖网渔业副渔获物中刺尾鱼(正鱼目:刺尾鱼科)的出现情况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/note-on-occurrence-of-jaydia-queketti-osteichthyes-apogonidae-from-the-by-catch-of-tropical-trawl-fishery/ 2016-05-13 2018-12-01 L. Ranjith, S. Ramkumar, K. Kannan, K. Vinod, K. K. Joshi, S. P. Shukla, C. S. Purushothaman, S. K. Chakraborty 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Cardinalfishes (Family: Apogonidae) are small percoid species, mostly less than 100 mm; generally marine, qualitatively abundant families in the reef ecosystems and are found in estuaries and lowland freshwater bodies.1,2&amp;3&nbsp;They are nocturnal; few species show parental care; where males are known for mouth brooding of eggs, and some of the species have a ventral luminous organ.1,4&amp;5&nbsp;Apogonids have a wide geographical range from warm temperate to


2013年1月1日,在印度东南海岸图蒂哥林渔港作业的商业拖网渔船在90-100 m深度捕获了3种总长度为72.69、106.28和110.67 mm的假尾鱼。本文对其发生情况进行了分析,阐述了记录标本的综合诊断特点。这种Jaydia属的物种分布在大陆上,经常作为副渔获物被捕获。 便携式玻璃钢鲤鱼孵化场用于罗虎、罗氏Labeo rohita产卵的水量预算 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/water-budgeting-of-portable-frp-carp-hatchery-for-rohu-labeo-rohita-spawn-production/ 2016-06-11 2018-11-26 Bikash Mohapatra, Sudeep Mahanta, Hrushikesha Sahu, Dukhia Majhi 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) carp hatchery has taken a significant role in carp seed production in India since 2003 (Mohapatra et al., 2003). In one operation 1.0-1.2 million spawn can be produced by this gadget (Mohapatra et al., 2011a). The system is suitable in field conditions for breeding most of the cultured Asiatic carps. By December, 2014, it has been installed in 26 states and Andaman &amp;Nicobar Island of the country (Mohapatra et al., 2015). For carp bre


在印度奥里萨邦三个不同地方的三个便携式玻璃钢鲤鱼孵化场进行了水预算试验。在这些玻璃钢孵化场进行了7次诱导繁殖,以罗虎、罗希塔Labeo rohita为试验种。计算得出玻璃钢鲤鱼孵化场一个完整周期的需水量为105 - 136.3 m3,而在现场条件下,每次孵化场的产卵量在70 - 140万之间。它w < / p > . . 古吉拉特邦朱纳加德市蒸散发估算模型评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/evaluation-of-evapotranspiration-estimation-models-for-junagadh-city-of-gujarat/ 2016-07-12 2018-11-26 H.H. Mashru, D.K. Dwivedi 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Evapotranspiration is one of the important phases of hydrologic cycle and its accurate estimation is of paramount importance for water balance studies, irrigation system design, crop yield simulation and water resources planning and management. The Penman-Monteith method recommended by UN - FAO has received widespread acceptance internationally for estimating ET0. However, the major limitation of the method is that it requires data for a large number of weather parameters, which


估算蒸散发对于确定特定地区的农业气候潜力、大田作物的需水量、灌溉计划和作物或品种的适宜性非常重要,从而确定哪些作物或品种可以成功种植并获得最佳经济回报,因此已经开发了许多模型来确定蒸散发。FAO 56 Penman-Monteith、Samani和Harg等常用参考蒸散发(ET0)估算方法的性能评价[/p]。 印度喜马拉雅地区东北部**亚热带丘陵降水趋势及变率分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/rainfall-trend-and-variability-analysis-of-sub-tropical-hills-of-arunachal-pradesh-in-northeastern-himalayan-region-of-india/ 2016-08-24 2018-11-26 Kaushik Bhagawati, Rupankar Bhagawati, Amit Sen, Kshitiz Shukla, Rajesh Alone 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Current human induced climate change is unprecedented in the history of earth and its impacts are very real though with spatially varied intensity, that is supported and confirmed by consistent rise in average air and ocean temperatures, decrease in glacier levels and rise in sea level.1&nbsp;The impact of climate change is believed to be more prominent and extensive especially on the Himalayan Mountains as they are among the most fragile environments/ecosystems on the Earth.



人工神经网络方法在参考蒸散估算中的应用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/application-of-artificial-neural-network-approach-for-estimating-reference-evapotranspiration/ 2016-08-27 2018-11-26 Khyati Vyas, R. Subbaiah 第11卷,第2期

Introduction In semi arid regions, water resources management is a crucial requirement for increasing agricultural production because food insecurity is becoming a main concern. ET is one of the hydrologic cycle components and the precise estimation of ET is very important for the researches such as water balance, irrigation design and management, crop yield modelling, and water resources planning and management reported by Kumar et al.5 (2002). ET0 can be obtained by many estimation methods,


蒸散发(ET)过程是水循环的重要组成部分。准确估计ET的价值对于设计灌溉系统和水资源管理是必要的。准确估算蒸散发在农业中至关重要,高估蒸散发会造成宝贵水资源的浪费,低估蒸散发会导致植物水分胁迫和作物减产。众所周知的Penman-Monteith (PM)方程总是执行

不同灌溉方式下覆膜棉花的作物系数 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/crop-coefficient-for-mulched-cotton-under-variable-irrigation-regimes/ 2016-06-30 2018-12-03 G. Prajapati, R. Subbaiah, A. Kunapara, N. Vithlani, J. Makwana 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Cotton is an important commercial crop in the world. Indian economy continues to receive great support from the most important commercial fibre crop. However, the productivity of cotton crop is still below the potential because of high evaporative conditions, scarcity of groundwater, deficient rainfall, and poor water management practices like poor scheduling of cotton during water scarce conditions, lack knowledge on the frequency of irrigation during low availability of water,


种植成本的降低(30%)和产量的增加(40%)迫使Saurashatra农民大规模采用Bt棉花。索拉什特拉棉因其光泽好、绒毛少、纤维表面蜡多、染料吸收率低而在国际市场上获得了较高的利润。高蒸发条件、地下水短缺和降水不足对棉花产量不利。气候变化为土壤-水-植物-大气的复杂关系增加了另一个维度。不良e < / p > . . 研究光伏太阳能电站容量利用系数随气候条件的变化规律 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/to-study-the-temporal-variation-of-capacity-utilization-factor-cuf-of-pv-based-solar-power-plant-with-respect-to-climatic-condition/ 2016-05-23 2018-11-26 Ramesh Chaudhar, Bharat Chaudhari, Pratiksinh Chavda, Vijya bhai 第11卷,第2期

Introduction The sun provides a plentiful resource for generating clean and sustainable electricity without global warming emissions or toxic pollution. A device that converts solar energy into electricity is known as solar cell.1&nbsp;They produce electricity directly when sunlight penetrate on semiconductor is generate pairs of electrons (-) and protons (+) in the PV cells through photovoltaic effect. The basic process of solar photons energy convert in to electromagnetic energy, throug



水稻土壤中dtpa可提取锌及其对水稻的可利用性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/dtpa-extractable-zinc-in-rice-soils-and-its-availability-to-rice/ 2016-06-23 2018-11-26 Dhaneshwar Padhan , Arup Sen , Biplab Pal 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Zinc is an important trace element which is essential for the healthy crop growth and metabolism.1&nbsp;Zinc is also vital for terrestrial life since it is required either as a structural component or reaction site in numerous proteins. It is required by rice in small quantity, but its deficiency has an adverse effect on healthy crop growth and yield may reduce up to 30 percent.2&nbsp;Zinc deficiency in soils and plants is of major concern since thirty per cent of world s


基于统计降尺度和气候模式输出偏差校正的阿集流域气候变化影响评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol11no2/climate-change-impact-assessment-for-aji-basin-using-statistical-downscaling-and-bias-correction-of-climate-model-outputs/ 2016-06-30 2018-11-26 N. S.维特拉尼,H.兰克 第11卷,第2期

Introduction Now a days most serious challenges faced by mankind is climate change. For the assessment of future variations in the hydrologic cycle, the sensitivity of regional hydrology to variable climate conditions makes climate-change projections essential. Validation of future climate change prediction it is important to investigate observed change in present climate and can be put into context. Information gap that is provided by climate can be linked by Bias correction methods. For cli


