Introduction Environmental literacy is a concept dating at earliest to the late 1980s that developed more thoroughly as a framework in the 1990s as part of environmental education1. There are a number of competing definitions of what constitutes environmental literacy and how it is measured. These definitions proposed by major organizations include combinations of: knowledge about the environment and environmental functions (with some connection to how these impact human life), some
..Introduction “Every minute, five children in developing countries die from malaria or diarrhoea. Every hour, 100 children die as a result of exposure to indoor smoke from solid fuels. Every day, nearly 1,800 people in developing cities die as a result of exposure to urban air pollution. Every month, nearly 19,000 people in developing countries die from unintentional poisonings”1 (p: 8). Rapid urbanization and economic development with increasing demand for travelling ha
…Introduction Soil pollution is anordinary side-effect of several indus­tries. The oil industries is mainly responsible for soil contamination due toactions related to crude oil extraction, refineries and transfer, underground crude oil storage tanks and the wastewaters.1 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of such above mentioned contaminants. They are hydrocarbons-organic compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen, consist of two or more benzene rings.2 Uni
进行处理。Introduction The ecological failure of modern design approaches to architectural design triggered the necessity of change in architectural design approaches. The emergence of bionic and sustainable approaches in architectural domain is a representative of an attempt to counteract the ecological failure of modern age. In this paper, material-based design approach is represented as a solution to the given problem and this approach is examined to point out its strength and weaknesses toward a mo
..Introduction Rapidly growing population and poor water supply facilities have encouraged people to dig their own wells in many areas which have resulted in large scale withdrawals of groundwater in Goa. Generally, water samples are analysed for a number of water quality parameters to assess its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. A water quality index (WQI) numerically summarizes the information easily from multiple water quality parameters into a single value that can
Introduction The UASB (Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Process) Technology, based on anaerobic principles for waste water treatment, has been widely used across the world, particularly in countries of warm climatic regions like India. It gained popularity because the technology offers moderate capital investments, low O&M cost, requires no energy for process, easy to implement, fairly good removal efficiencies and mediocre foot print. At present there are about 300 installations worl
…Introduction Watershed is an area from which all precipitated water flows to a common outlet. In other words, watershed is a geographical dynamic unit, which covers all land that contributes runoff to a common outlet.1,2 Continuously growing population pressure resulted in the scarcity of available land and water resources.3 There are number of quantitative analysis used to calculate the topography of the watershed; and the analysis could be prepared from single watershed to
对各子流域进行拟合分析。Introduction The sand bars or shoals are a natural submerged ridge, bank or bar that consists of sand and other unconsolidated material and rises from the bed of a body of water near the surface. Often these rise up enough to the surface as to constitute a danger to an easy flow of the high tide and low tide water causing a threat to mangrove ecosystem. The formation of the sand bar is a more complex process and represents important morphological features of river estuaries. In the present st
..红树林生态系统容易因人为和自然影响而死亡。本研究是研究沙洲的形成如何影响天然红树林生态系统并对其丰富的动植物生物多样性构成威胁的一个案例。卡达伦迪人& &;Vallikkunnu社区保护区位于喀拉拉邦的Kozhikode和Malappuram地区,是喀拉拉邦的第一个社区保护区,于2007年宣布,占地1.5平方公里。公里。该区域包括Kadalundi b
..Introduction Uncontrolled growth of the urban population in developing countries in recent years has made solid waste management an important issue1. The rate of urbanization has improved quality of life but at same time it has adverse effect on environment. Urbanization is increasing the level of air, noise, water pollution and solid waste generation their complexities2. Few decades ago, environment was not of any concern of scientific efforts for developing countries like India and even sol
…Introduction Air pollution is a major problem faced globally and mainly arising from industrialization, unplanned urbanisation, alarming increase in vehicle fleet and population growth. Thus, persons face great pressure1 and their life quality is degraded2 from different points of view, e.g. climatic.3 With rapid development of human civilization and subsequent increased number of automobiles, air quality ultimately deteriorates. Road traffic is considered as one of the most important sour
..Introduction In this rapidly growing and ever evolving society, the transportation sector has been progressing heavily day by day. Consequently, more efficient vehicles need to be developed which are cleaner and faster. As the IC engine creates pollution, posing a serious threat to nature, more research is now being concentrated on renewable energy resources like solar power, wind power and biofuel etc., which are constantly and sustainably replenished. Electric vehicles or solar vehicles are
..太阳能光伏技术是各种可再生能源技术中最早被普遍采用和接受的技术之一,以满足发电的基本需求。本文的目的是提出一个利用独立光伏(PV)系统应用的三循环。通过评估和估计所需的面板尺寸、电池容量和电机功率,进行了太阳能三循环的初步设计和建造。< / p > . .
Introduction Among the water bodies, rivers are the most vulnerable to pollution due to erosion and dissolution of minerals from overlying rocks as well as anthropogenic activities such as discharge of industrial effluents and municipal sewage into rivers. Pollution of river water causes alteration in species composition and decreased health of both aquatic and human communities. As a common practice, the water quality of rivers is monitored periodically by measuring multiple parameters at di
..Introduction Jammu and Kashmir is home to several valleys such as the Kashmir Valley, Tawi Valley, Chenab Valley, Poonch Valley, Sind Valley andLidder Valley. The main Kashmir valley is 100 km (62 miles) wide and 15,520.3 km2 (5,992.4 sq miles) in area. The Himalayas divide the Kashmir valley from Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir (India) while the PirPanjal range, which encloses the valley fro
..Introduction Meghalaya is one of the North-Eastern State of India. Owing to high rainfall, the state is rich in water resources and a dense network of streams and rivers exist. The state is also endowed with rich mineral resources such as coal, limestone, clay, sillimanite, uranium etc. Exploitation of coal and limestone is taking place at a large scale leading to environmental degradation including deterioration of water quality.1,2,3,4,5 Studies done in surrounding areas of Meghalaya hav
..Lukha河(Wah Lukha)是梅加拉亚邦的主要河流之一,位于东贾因蒂亚山区南部。在这条河的集水区进行了开采煤炭和石灰石、制造水泥、砍伐森林等活动,导致水质发生变化。这一点从过去7-8年冬季卢克哈河的深蓝水质中可见一斑。到目前为止,还没有令人信服和确凿的理由来解释这个问题。
Introduction Management of solid waste and related environmental impacts presents a challenge to both developing and developed countries. Rapid industrialization, growing population and changing lifestyle are the root causes for increasing rate of solid waste generation. The quantum of municipal solid waste generated in India is about 0.15 million tons per day. This is approximately 50 million tons annually. Out of the total municipal waste collected, on an average 94% is dumped on land and 5
…Introduction Forests of Himalaya play significant role for sustainable development of the region as they not only provide timber and resin to industries but also fulfills the basic needs of villagers such as fuel, small timber, fodder, and other minor products residing nearby areas.Forest area and forest cover accounted for about 65 and 46 percent in the Uttarakhand. In Kumaun region forest cover is 40.3 percent of the state’s forest cover. The maximum forests are being managed by f
..本研究研究了喜马拉雅中部库曼地区萨尔(ShorearobustaGaertn.)森林的结构、多样性和更新。研究了库-喜玛拉雅地区的两种森林类型:杉木优势林和杉木混交林。乔木、幼树和幼苗密度分别为650 ~ 911、36 ~ 1303和400 ~ 6656株/ hm -1。在com
中,sala呈倒j型曲线,表示再生良好;t.g an呈倒钟型曲线,表示再生良好。Introduction Many countries around the world consume the gonad(roe) of the sea urchin as a delicacy food. Japan and France are the two main countries which consume the maximum global production of sea urchin roe from the wild as well as aquaculture. A number of countries have developed the mariculture technologies for growing sea urchin to cater to this global demand using their local species. Among the two types of sea urchin Viz., Regular and Irregular urchins, the regular urchins are used
..本研究于2013年10月至2015年5月在印度东南海岸的马纳尔湾进行了为期20个月的研究。在调查过程中,利用国际海洋大气综合数据库(ICOADS)收集海胆的海表温度(SST)、日光光周期和大气温度等非生物因子数据,并利用马纳尔湾Vedalai登陆中心每月采集的海胆样本研究海胆的繁殖周期。Th < / p > . .
Introduction Apple is one of the most important temperate fruit crops in India which accounts for about 10 % of the total fruit production of the country. It accounts for 46 %of total area under fruit crops and 76 %of the total fruits production. The area under apple in Himachal Pradesh has increased from 3025 hectares in 1960-61 to 107686 hectares on 2013-141. However, decrease in productivity of apple crop in the recent years due to change in climatic conditions have become a serious concer
..本研究于2014-15年间在喜马偕尔邦的Kullu地区进行,该地区位于31& &;ordm;52& &;rsquo;00& &;rdquo;至31日,ordm; 58,, 00,”,北纬76º13’00”44 - 77, ordm;,, 00,”,东经度。利用UTAH模型计算了1986 ~ 2015年苹果作物的累积冷量,平均每年减少6.38个CU小时(re
)。Introduction Global Agriculture Is Facing Numerous Challenges Like Adversely Affected Food And Nutritional Security. According To Teklu (2006), Land Is One Of The Major Conventional Inputs That Limit Agricultural Production because It Is Major Source Of Farming. Intensive Agriculture And Extreme Use Of External Inputs Are Leading To Degradation Of Soil Water And Genetic Resources. Estimates Reveal That Annual Loss Of Soil Translates Into US$400 Billion Per Year, About 10 Million Hectare Of Go
Introduction Climate change and global warming are the result of enormous fossil fuel technology dependency. Renewable energy technologies are the solution of climate change mitigation1 and increasing electric power demand. Abundant accessibility of solar energy in daytime is making it a reliable source of renewable energy. Solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV) are the two well known technologies to convert solar energy into useful energy. In solar thermal technology heat of sun is used f
。Introduction Himachal Pradesh is endowed with hydroelectric potential of about 27436 MW on the five river basins namely Satluj, Ravi, Beas, Yamuna and Chenab.The basin wise potential are Satluj (13,332 MW), Beas (5,995 MW), Chenab (4,032 MW), Ravi (3,237MW) and Yamuna (840 MW)1. Although, hydroelectric projects provides opportunities for economic development but also have the potential to adversely affect the livelihood and well-being of local as well as downstream communit
..这项研究是在2011年进行的,目的是调查大坝建设对人民和整体经济的影响。在为这项研究选择的5个受影响的村庄中,每个家庭的土地持有总量损失在33.07至64.46%之间。然而,在耕地方面,5个抽样村庄的损失幅度在36.15%至67.36%之间。土地被淹没导致村庄各种树木(饲料、木材、薪柴和水果)的损失。f < / p > . .
Introduction Carbonis stored within soil mainly in two forms, soil inorganic carbon and soil organic carbon.The source of inorganic carbon (IC) in the soil iseither parent rock material or the dissolution and precipitation of carbonate.SIC has relatively a longer turnover time because of lower activity,but redistribute rapidly in a short time period under high microbial activity1,2.Organic carbon forms of soil are the residues of plants and animals. Soil carbon ranges from freshly deposited p
..Introduction Cement industry is the fastest growing industry in India.As per the economic advisor, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP),during the year 2013-14 in India, cement production was 255.57 million tons. But, cementindustry has facing many environmental issues. The main environmental issue associated with cement industry is emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas. Cement industry generates significant amount of CO2. Producing a ton of Portland cementg
..Introduction The rivers and lakes play an important role in lives of human beings. The rivers provide irrigation, potable water, cheap transportation, hydroelectricity and livelihood to large population on the earth1&2. The Indian river system is classified in to four major categories i.e. The Himalayan, the rivers traversing the Deccan Plateau, the Coastal and those in the inland drainage basin. Indus river of Himalayan system consist of the Chenab, the Jhelum, the Ravi, the Satluj a
..本研究对喜马偕尔邦Beas河256 km河段进行了冬季重要的物理、化学和生物水质参数分析。温度、pH、电导率、浊度、碱度、总溶解固形物(TDS)、总硬度、钙、镁、钾、钠、镉、铜、铁、铅、氯化物、氟化物、硝酸盐、生物需氧量(BOD)、化学需氧量(COD)、大肠杆菌和埃氏菌等参数
。Introduction India is third largest coal producing country in world after China and USA, where power sector is dominated by coal based thermal power plants.1 Coal mining in India is performed with both the mining techniques i.e., underground and opencast mining. Opencast mining is the chief mining practice in our country with about eighty percent of total coal production. Opencast mining includes rupture the upper layer of rocks with blasting, drilling to excavate the valuable mineral as coal
..Introduction Agricultural systems in India need improved management strategies to increase their level of self-sufficiency in terms of food production. Increased occurrence of extreme hydro-meteorological events due to climate change, population growth, and anthropogenic land and water degradation is likely to affect agricultural systems in near future more severly. An increase in food production can only come from four sources such as capturing local rain, horizontal expansion of agriculture
地表径流量的方法。Introduction Natural environment, particularly the aquatic ecosystem is being disturbed by anthropogenic activities with rise in industrialization and urbanization. The decline in water quality of fresh water systems threatens its sustainability and has become one of the major environmental issues. The current scenario of Indian freshwater resources has been studied by many workers and appealed for their management as environmental problems. The increased concentrations of heavy metals in rec
..不同浓度Zn对水生植物水草生长的影响。进行了研究。鲜重、干重、茎长、根长、节数、叶片发育、叶绿素和胡萝卜素含量是不同的生长参数。22.7 mg L-1 Zn处理植株早在试验第3天就出现了根系褐变、腐烂等毒性症状,后期出现老叶泛黄
。Introduction Primary production refers to the amount of organic matter made from inorganic material through the process of photosynthesis.1 Primary producers are organisms able to use inorganic nutrients through the process of photosynthesis to build organic matter. Thus, to grow primary producers need essential nutrients; nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc etc. in sufficient amount.2 Primary production of reservoir helps to understand the tropic status and to assess the
..等理化参数Introduction India is a peninsular country with vast natural resources engulfing rich diversity of fauna and flora. The country is acclaimed to be one of the global leaders in fish production and also has huge population relying on fish as the cheaper source of protein. Besides unpromising returns from declining marine capture fisheries and capital intensive aquaculture, the country identified its reservoirs as the focus of future fisheries development plans because of its enormous resource s
..该研究试图通过分析使用第一手和二手来源获得的数据,全面说明泰米尔纳德邦Kanyakumari地区Pechiparai水库渔业和管理的社会经济和生态方面。它在人口统计学方面是独一无二的——水库周边人口稀少,初级生产力非常低,鱼类种类多样性相对较少,具有典型的利益分享和销售制度安排(share system)。
Introduction Kutch region, in the north-western part of India, is characterized by low and erratic rainfall, high ambient temperatures, salt-affected soils and poor quality water[13]. Open-field cultivation is prone to failures and yields are low[13] Technology that can reduce the risk of crop failure, improve yields and make better use of scarce water would be greatly desirable. Greenhouse technology could help to achieve these goals. But it’s still relatively new in India, and the
..Introduction The world economy has adversely been influenced due to extreme weather events like droughts, floods, cold and heat waves, forest fires, landslides, avalanche, hailstorms, thunder clouds associated with lightning and sea level rise as well as the natural calamities, like earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruption may change chemical composition of the atmosphere.10 The loss of forest cover directly responsible for the erosion of top soil causing floods and droughts thus a
Introduction Biofuels are the energy carriers that store the energy derived from biomass, commonly produced from plants, animals and micro-organisms and organic wastes. Biofuels may be solid, liquid or gaseous and include all kinds of biomass as well as derived products used for energy purposes. Biodiesel is one of the alternatives fuel used to run the vehicle. Biodiesel was introduced to the world by Rudolph Diesel, a Germany Engineer in 1895 which transform peanut oil into biodiesel1 but, a
的均相催化剂的辅助下,一步酯交换过程。Introduction Organophosphorus pesticides are most commonly employed in insect pest management for crop production, municipal hygiene, and disease vector control.1 Chlorpyrifos [O,O-diethyl-O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2- pyridinyl)phosphorothioate] is extensively used broad-spectrum insecticide against gall midge, cutworms, corn root worms, leaf folder, leaf hopper, etc.2 Chlorpyrifos is accessible in variety of formulations like granules, wet table powder, dustable powder and emulsif
..利用富集技术从有毒死蜱使用史的苹果园土壤中分离到一株具有毒死蜱降解能力的菌株AST2.2。经形态学、生化检测和16S rRNA序列分析,AST2.2菌株为树脂假单胞菌。菌株AST2.2利用毒死蜱作为唯一的碳和能量来源。该菌株在毒死蜱浓度高达400mg/l时仍能生长,胞外有机磷含量
较高。Introduction Improper disposal of sewage effluents and irrigation practices with polluted waters has increased the concentration of metals in agricultural soils. This has led to increased concentration of metals in organic matter in soils which are fed by earthworms leading to bioaccumulation and biotransformation. In ecosystem, biota are generally exposed to low levels of toxic pollutants, among all, heavy metals are more toxic, as they biomagnifies through food chain.1 Ea
..金属污染的土壤生态系统影响土壤无脊椎动物种群结构和动态,导致物种分布发生改变。本研究的重点是蚯蚓分布在班加罗尔周围的污水灌溉农业用地。报告种有Eudrilus eugenae、Lampito maurutii、pontocolex corethrurus、Polypheretima elongata、Perioynx excavates和Eisenia fetida。对采食率和
进行了实验室研究。Introduction Environment is a matrix of various ecosystems existing in a web of delicate relationship. Nature always tries to maintain equilibrium among these ecosystems. However, different activities of human being have started affecting the quality of the environment. Environmental pollution is observable in the form of alteration of the physical, chemical and biological qualities of the natural resources such as water, air and land. Pollution is a significant feature of environmental conce
..在本研究中,我们试图评估农民对泰米尔纳德邦南部水稻种植中现代投入品使用导致的环境退化的认识和感知。遵循两阶段随机抽样程序选择样本农民,并对泰米尔纳德邦Periyar-Vaigai灌溉系统Vadipatti Taluk的66名农民进行了调查。采用配对比较方法衡量环境问题意识水平和Tobit回归系数
。Introduction In present days, Azo dyes also cause a serious environmental pollution by release of waste water through textile industrial.1 The annual production of azo dyes is estimated to be around one million tons, and more than 2000 different azo dyes are currently in use.2 Azo dyes are used in a number of industries such as textile dyeing, food, cosmetics, paper printing, with the textile industry as the largest consumer.3 In Textile industry, large amount of wa
..Introduction Rapid urbanization and industrial development during last decade have provoked some serious concerns for the environment.1 In the last few decades, due to rapid industrialization and increase in human population, there has been a tremendous pressure on the demand of fresh water.2,3 Water quality plays an important role in promoting agricultural production and standard of human health. Water quality is much depending on the desired use of water, hence different uses requi
。Introduction India has the largest area in the world (9 mn ha) under cotton cultivation and is the largest producer of cotton (2.7 mn MT, 0.3 MTha-1). Cotton is produced in 9 states in India viz. Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan,Gujarat, Maharashtra, M.P.,Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Gujarat state is the largest cotton producer in India and accounts for about 714000 MT of India’s total production with only 18 % (1.6 mn ha) of India’s total area under cotton cultivat
..研制了容量为70 MJh-1的开芯无喉下送风气化炉,对棉秆碎料的气化进行了研究。在6种不同的气体流量(12、14、16、18、20和22 m3/h)水平下对气化炉进行了性能测试。气化炉在气体流量为18 m3h-1时表现最佳,当量比、气化效率、比气化率、比产气率和燃料消耗率分别为0.35%、71.05%、192.51 kgh-1m-2,481.28m3h-1
。Introduction Anurans belonging to class amphibians occupy important position in the ecosystem being both predators and prey and are good bio-indicators of environmental pollution. Amphibians are intimately tied to aquatic as well as terrestrial environment and the quality of water in which they live can affect their growth, development, and survival.The negative impact of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity is becoming increasingly conspicuous and amphibians are currently the most global
..考虑重金属污染对阿萨姆邦巴拉克山谷茶园两种蝌蚪(Clinotarsus alticola和Leptobrachium smithicum)水体系统重金属生物积累的意义。水生生物受到水中和沉积物中重金属污染物的影响。研究结果显示,水样中铁、铬、镉、铅的浓度均高于允许限值0.3、0.05、0
。Introduction India is the largest consumer and producer of cumin in the world. Gujarat is the leading state contributing more than 70 percent in cumin acreage and production followed by Rajasthan It is cultivated in Rabi season in areas receiving low rainfall, and possess well-drained soil, cool-dry and clear climatic condition. Optimum growth temperature ranges between 25 to 30 °C1. Cumin requires low water2, 3. Some researchers 4 adopted micro sprinkler irrigatio
..孜然是在印度干旱和半干旱地区种植的重要香料作物之一,被用来治疗一些可怕的疾病。为了获得更高的单位水效益和生产力,需要确定土壤、作物和大气的最佳需水量。考虑到这一点,进行了田间试验,以获得三种灌溉方案(0.6IW/ETc, 0.8IW/ETc和1.0 iw /ETc)和三种横向间距(0.60m, 0.70m