Introduction Estuaries are characterized by a spatiotemporally complex environment in terms of both physical and chemical aspects driven by external forces of river flow, tide and ocean waves, or influx of sediment and nutrients.1 Therefore, several definitions of estuaries from the standpoint of physical characteristics or salinity distribution exist.2 In addition, estuaries are important habitats for conserving biodiversity of species that live in only brackish water.3&
;Introduction There are various methods for removing heavy metals from waste water including chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, ion exchange, liquid extraction or electrodialysis (Sitting 1981; Patterson 1985). However, these methods are not widely used due to their high cost and low feasibility for small-scale industries (Sohail et al. 1999). In contrast, adsorption technique is by far the most versatile and widely used. Several metal-retaining resin, containing a variety of comple
..Introduction Solid or liquid particles suspended in the air are termed as aerosols. These particles generally range from 1nm to 10 μm size diameter1. Atmospheric aerosols are contributed by several natural and anthropogenic sources such as earth crust, volcanic eruption, ocean and sea spray, industries, biomass burning and vehicular traffic etc. During recent past, aerosol production from anthropogenic sources has increased significantly. Studies have reported that atmospheric aerosols
Introduction Dengue is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected females of the main vector Aedes aegypti and to lesser extent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.1 The World Health Organization has classified dengue into three categories according to disease severity; Dengue Fever (DF), Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS).2 Severe dengue (DHF and DSS) causes lethal complications that included severe hemorrhage, plasma leakage, organ i
为700。Introduction The North African state of Libya is in one of the driest regions of the world with an annual rainfall ranging from just 10 mm to 500 mm. Just 5% of the entire area of Libya exceeds 100 mm annually. Evaporation rates are also high, ranging from 1,700 mm in the north to 6,000 mm in the south.1 Some of British researchers have found that Libya is floating on the vast reserves of groundwater, and they have assigned the amount of groundwater/aquifers that Africa has. The reserve of
..大人工河(GMR)是世界上最大的灌溉工程,由一个管道网络组成,将水从南部的利比亚沙漠输送到北部的沿海地区。本文研究了利用GMR通过农业生产能源和粮食的可能性。水动力发电将通过使用适当大小的涡轮机从大人工河管道的水流中产生能量。它;# 39;< / p > . .
Introduction Around 42 million tonnes (115 thousand tonnes per day) and 6000 million cubic meters of liquid waste are generated every year in India. The municipal solid waste (MSW) generation ranges from 0.25 to 0.66 kg/person/day with an average of 0.45 kg/person/day (UNEP, 2011). In addition, large quantities of solid and liquid wastes are generated by industries. The increasing industrialization, urbanization and changing life patterns accompany the process of economic growth, which will g
..目前印度每年产生的城市固体废物估计约为4200万吨,随着人口增长、城市化和人民生活水平的提高,这一数字将迅速上升。城市固体废物的产生量由0.25至0.66公斤/人/天不等,平均为0.45公斤/人/天。此外,工业产生了大量的固体和液体废物。产生的大部分废物都进入了土地和水体。没有专业< / p > . .
Introduction Environmental engineering and novel energy technologies are at the forefront of research1-4 as part of a key strategy towards sustainability and a cleaner environment. One of the main concerns within the field of renewable energies and environmental engineering is wastewater treatment. In arid regions such as the Saudi Arabian peninsula, where 20% of wastewater is used for irrigation purposes it is especially important to monitor wastewater plant operations as w
..这项工作的重点是利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)监测利雅得南三级污水处理厂的微量元素去除。考虑到从该工厂流出的最终污水用于灌溉目的,流向Al- Dirayia、Dirab和Wadi Hanifa的农场,必须考虑到可能存在可能对人类健康构成潜在威胁的微量元素浓度升高。所有示例< / p > . .
Introduction Good drinking water quality is essential for the wellbeing of all population and essential for their health. According to the WHO about 80% of all the diseases in human beings are related to water.1 Tremendous is increase in the request for clean water due to quick growth of population and the speeded pace of industrialization.2 The increase in population and expansion of economic activities undoubtedly leads to increasing request of water for various purposes.
..Introduction During the last few decades, as a result of the climate change1 variation in rainfall pattern has drawn a lot of attention for protection of the food production and available fresh water.2 Some rising trend of precipitation including monsoon rainfall is observed in central Asia, whereas a decrease is found in the south Asia.1 The Indian climate is mainly characterized by monsoon rainfall which is well supported by several studies.3-6 Major parts of Indi
..使用统计非参数检验-修正Mann-Kendall (MMK)检验和Sen’s斜率分析了印度旁遮普省102年(1901年至2002年)降水趋势的年、季节和月变化。< / p > . .
Introduction Rapid urbanization growth has caused accelerating rate of urban poverty. This happens due to uncontrolled migration from rural areas to urban areas as well as from small urban centres to large urban centres. In this process, the poor settle in informal sector of economy inhibiting areas for their own convenience and affordability, resulting into mushrooming of slums in general. Slums are considered as illegally occupied houses and creating a nuisance of environmental pollution an
。Introduction Wetlands are found throughout the world landscape and covering nearly 6% of land area (i.e. 8.6 million km2).1 Indian wetlands are home of the one fifth of country’s biodiversity within less than 5% of the total geographical area of India.2 A total of 4290 large lakes and uncountable small water bodies present in India.3,4 Haryana is located between 270 29’ to 300 56’ N latitudes and 740 27’ to 770 36’ E
处进行噪声水平测量。Introduction The quality of water is defined in physical, chemical, biological forms in each category and the water quality parameters are selected on the basis of their intended use. A number of sites for the water quality monitoring create voluminous information and results in complexity to categorize the quality of water for various purposes. Such classifications are generally used for comparison of quality of water on individual parameter basis as per the national and international standa
)确定的。Introduction The Himalaya, youngest mountain range of the world covers about 18% of total geographical area of India. Forests constitute (50% of India’s forest cover) an important natural resource base in the Himalaya, most important being the temperate broad leaf forests, which are largely dominated by different species of oak (Quercus species).1 Oaks (Quercus spp.) are the dominant, climax tree species of the moist temperate forests of the Indian Himalayan region
..动态生长模型(CO2FIX)已被用于估算橡胶树(栎)的固碳潜力,橡胶树是一种土生多用途树木,除具有土壤粘结能力外,还可用于木材、薪柴、纤维和特殊饲料。本研究是在北阿坎德邦保里加尔瓦尔巴尔萨尔的U.U.H.F V.C.S.G.园艺学院校园进行的。它能够在下雪和强降雨的条件下茁壮成长。CO2FIX被参数化以模拟
..Introduction Industries are responsible for the release of billion gallons of wastewater containing high levels of salt and organic matters1 into the environment. Such a huge amount of waste generated in the world is capable of being reused as a source of water supply in areas with water shortages.2 More efficient treatment methods should be utilized before reusing and/or discharging the saline wastewater to the environment.3 Table 
..生物好氧处理含盐废水可去除5天BOD和COD。在本研究中,从a 位于伊朗南部阿巴斯港市的污水处理厂,其中含有一种完全溶解的废水。固体(TDS)约7500 mg -1。这些微生物(细菌和真菌)可以耐受20%浓度的盐(NaC
)。Introduction Studies reveal that the water scarcity cannot be ignored right through the world. A prediction study of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reports that about 2000 million people would suffer due to water crisis by 2050. It also reveals that nearly one-fifth of the world’s population would access unsafe water for drinking purpose. Exploitation of groundwater in unplanned and unscientific manner has caused both hydrological imbalance and degradation in q
Introduction It is misleading to label small water bodies as unimportant and insignificant, because it is our common experience that little things carry more importance in our lives. However, it is not undeniable that small aquatic systems are taken as irrelevant to global problems and are ignored in nearly all globally important views and processes such as carbon processing and transport. Small water bodies are inherent part of the biosphere and the interconnected network of global metabolic
..Introduction The term “cultural landscape” embraces a diversity of manifestations of the interaction between humankind and its natural environment and about ideas and meanings, concepts and interpretations, dynamics and dialogues. Cultural landscapes are those where human interaction with natural systems has, over a long time, formed a distinctive landscape. Then Cultural landscape is a complex phenomenon resulting from both natural- geographical and social-cultural pro
中得到了相当的重视。Introduction Environmental issues are increasingly gaining importance among societies worldwide.1 In the process of developing new products, climate change emerges as an issue of strategic importance because companies are considering climate change related risks and opportunities in product planning. Consumer’s environmental knowledge and concern and environmental regulations such as Kyoto Protocol and Montreal Convention are deeply influencing world business.2 In
Introduction Defined as the change of fertile and productive lands into non-productive desert areas, desertification remains as a major environmental concern in most arid, semiarid, and sub-humid areas of the world (Dregne, 1977; UNCCD, 1994; Herrmann and Hutchinson, 2005). Desertification may results from various natural and human-associated factors such as wind or/and water erosion, destruction of vegetation covers and water resources, water logging, soil salinization and alkaliza
..通过气候、水土流失、土壤、植被、管理等5个指标交叉绘制了伊朗北部Chehel-chai盆地沙漠化敏感性图,这5个指标对沙漠化演变过程有主要影响。该方法是在MEDALUS沙漠化模型的基础上,利用定性指标来确定土地沙漠化敏感区。根据阶乘缩放技术,得分范围从1(good co
..)Introduction India is a country with 1.21 billion people and total land area of 3,287,263 km2.1 About 68 per cent of India’s population still live in rural areas and depend largely on non-commercial sources of energy such as fuelwood, biomass, and agricultural residue for their energy requirements for cooking and heating. In India, the domestic sector has been one of the largest consumers of energy accounting for 40 to 50 per cent of the total energy consumption.2 
。Introduction Algae (macro and micro) have been taken in consideration as a residual biomass ready to be used for energy purposes. Algae, especially microalgae, were found to be the only source of renewable biodiesel that is capable of meeting the global demand for transport fuels.1 The idea of using algae as a source of fuel is now being taken seriously because of the increasing price of petroleum and more significantly, the emerging concern about global warming that is associated with burnin
..小球藻是一种能够进行光合作用的生物,其直径小于2mm。然后利用氯仿/甲醇萃取溶剂体系提取藻类生物柴油,在碱催化剂、酸催化剂和碱性催化剂的作用下,进行三种不同的酯交换反应。和酶催化与 两种温度(50℃和60℃),甲醇与生物油的比例为1:5。使用不同的催化剂进行酯交换后
。Introduction Parasites are specialists in host environment with close co-evolutionary ties. Convolution embodies two components, togetherness (Co-) and history (Evolution). Co-evolution encompasses both microevolutionary and macroevolutionary associations. Host specificity (by the parasite) and defense mechanism (by the host) play important role in the microevolutionary studies. It is important to integrate micro and macroevolutionary patterns and processes in order to generate a more robust
..研究了喜马拉雅西北地区山溪鱼类因后生动物寄生而引起的病理失调。宿主特异性是后生寄生虫的基本特征之一,后生寄生虫分属虫纲、线虫纲、吸虫纲和棘头纲。该研究表明,寄主和寄主的成功共同进化通过发展逃避机制导致后者适应,以避免灭绝。除了t < / p > . .
Introduction Drought occurs over most parts of the world, even in wet and humid regions. This is because drought is distinct as a dry spell relative to its local normal condition. On the other hand, arid areas are prone to drought because their rainfall amount critically depends on a few rainfall events.2 Weather prediction agencies from all over the world forecast El Niño conditions in 2014 with impending danger of drought. The frequency of such events has been high in t
的固有性质的强烈限制。Introduction The importance of combating environmental degradation in diverse human socio-economic activities has lead to increased calls for a shift to organic farming practices so as to improve the health of soils, ecosystems as well as people. The main idea behind organic farming is 'zero impact' on the environment. Increasing consciousness about conservation of environment as well as health hazards are the major factors that led to the growing interest in organic farming i
..在喜马恰尔邦Palampur的CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidayalaya山农业研究与推广中心Bajaura进行了一项研究,以调查不同管理措施对土壤物理和化学性质的影响。对有机、无机和综合三种管理方式的样品分析表明,w
,有机处理的持水量最高(50.8%),综合处理次之(44.9%),无机处理最低(40.2%)。Introduction Population pressure, urbanization, industrialization by a long way, added up the huge amount of waste which is toxic and non-toxic to the aquatic ecosystems. These Pollutants alters the physico-chemical quality of water which eventually upset the biotic components of the aquatic system. Physico-chemical analyses show different concentrations of chemical pollutants, but they do not reflect its effect on ecological condition of water, as they do not integrate ecological factors.17
水体的有机污染负荷较高。Introduction Rare earth elements are series of seventeen chemical elements which include the lanthanide series from Lanthanum (La), Scanadium (Sc), Tolutetium (Lu), and Yttrium (Y) in the periodic table.1 They are known as ‘‘rare earth elements’’ because most of them were isolated as oxide from rare minerals in the 18th and 19th century.2 The entire world stores an estimated 100 million metric tons of rare earth oxide (REO) and the regions havi
..稀土元素是元素周期表中包含镧(La)、镥(Lu)、钪(Sc)、钇(Y)等镧系元素的一组17种化学元素。尽管稀土元素在中国和印度长期以来广泛用于工业和农业,但近年来人们对将稀土元素应用于植物的兴趣越来越大。本文讨论了稀土元素对植物生长和生理活性的影响。用c < / p > . .
Introduction The herbaceous layer plays an important role in forest ecosystem; it contains the highest number of species and nutrient cycling (Gilliam, 2007; Jhariya et al., 2013, Parihaar et al., 2014). This layer is also responsible for approximately 12% of the Gross Photosynthetic Production (GPP) of a forest ecosystem (Bargali and Bargali, 2000; Muller, 2003). Herbaceous vegetation also affect regeneration of trees therefore, has important implications for the regeneration of trees (Chand
..在本研究中,我们研究了固氮灌木尼泊尔Coriaria nepalensis Wall对草本植物物种组成、多样性和生物量的影响。以不同密度的3个样地的草本植物物种丰富度、多样性和生物量为指标进行了研究,即样地1(低密度;20 ha-1),站点-2(中等科里亚密度;120 ha-1)和site-3(高科里亚密度190 ha-1)。物种丰富度在Site-1最小(16种),在site-2最大(27 s
)。Introduction India is facing a serious problem of natural resources scarcity, especially that of water in view of population growth and economic development.1 Most of fresh water bodies all over the world are getting polluted, thus decreasing the portability of water.2&3 We need water for different purposes such as dinking, irrigation, industries, swimming, fishing etc. Thus water for different purposes has its own requirements in terms of composition and purity as w
..今天,由于过度污染和自然资源的污染,环境对生物的健康已经变得有害。 本调查的目的是利用湖泊重金属的理化参数来评估印度喜马偕尔邦比拉斯普尔的戈宾德萨加尔湖的水质。本研究共确定了3个采样点,采集时间为夏季和进口
。Introduction Steel plant slag is a solid industrial waste generated from steel industries in production of steel and mainly these wastes includes blast furnace and steel melting slag (open hearth or LD process slag). It can be categorized as carbon steel slag and stainless steel slag according to the type of steel, and as pretreatment slag, Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter slag, electrical arc furnace slag (EAFS), ladle refining slag and casting residue according to the steelmaking process (Meng
..碱性氧炉(BOF)或Linz-Donawitz (LD)转炉产生的炉渣是综合炼钢厂可回收利用的废弃物之一。本文介绍了LD渣在农业上的应用现状及可能的用途。目前堆场堆积量大,导致占用耕地,对环境污染严重。提高炉渣利用率是解决这些问题的重要途径。分析了钢渣的理化特性
。Introduction Solar energy has been continued to utilize by various countries since 1900’s. In the present era a variety of the techniques are there, to utilize solar energy in various aspects of households and commercial sectors. Cooking, water heating, desalination, power generation, heating and cooling of buildings, even lightening now can be operated on solar energy in different households and commercial sectors worldwide.11 This energy is radiated from the sun in all directions
..太阳能是一种无污染、取之不尽用之不竭的可再生能源,可以经济地利用,随时满足人类的需求。设计、研制并制作了太阳能灶具兼烘干机。对系统进行了性能评价。将太阳灶作为太阳能干燥器的太阳能集热器。已经开发出尺寸为750毫米× 600毫米× 150毫米的太阳能炊具。设计集热器面积为0.49 m2的太阳能干燥机。收集器角度
..Introduction About sixty-seven percent of irrigation water applied to crop through runoff and evaporation. Though, the evaporation is significant component of irrigation efficiency, not much attention has been given to it. Generally, irrigation water applied in agriculture is based on experience of farmer. So, evaporation component should be incorporated in development of any irrigation project or plan. The plant losses their water through the process of evaporation and transpiration. Evapotr
..气候变化对地下水补给影响的估算有助于制定未来流域地下水开发和管理规划。这对农业和其他资源规划也有帮助。还可以判断种植模式所需的移位。研究对象是面积为5646.98 km2的舍特伦吉河流域。整个地区由17个流域组成。气候变化对降雨、径流和es
的影响2013年1 - 12月对孟买新渡轮码头(NFW)上岸中心5种优势头足类幼鱼的上岸进行了经济评价。记录的优势头足类渔业包括一种鱿鱼(Uroteuthis (P) duvaucelii),三种墨鱼(Sepia elliptica, Sepia pharaonis, seppiella inermis)和一种章鱼(Cistopus indicus),共占头足类总捕捞量的98%。利用bioeco
估算的年经济总收益。Introduction Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have been increasing alarmingly since the pre-industrial era and is mostly driven by population growth and industrialization. Today, the world is confronted with the challenges or concerns of anthropogenic induced climate change which is adversely affecting economic and social progress across continents. In its fifth assessment report, Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change (IPCC) has highlighted the need of additional mitigation efforts
..对奥里萨邦13个柚木无性系的生物量积累速率和碳储量进行了研究,以确定适合奥里萨邦大规模无性系人工林的有前景的基因型。13个柚木无性系中,ORANP2的生物量最高,为223.72m3/ha,而ORANP1的生物量积累最低,为64.05m3/ha。13个柚木无性系的总碳储量在32.02 ~ 111.86t/ha之间。年平均增量(MAI)值
..Introduction Groundwater is the most esteemed wealth of nature for sustenance of life on earth and any developmental activity. Despite being a common commodity, water is scarce on the earth and has no substitute. As per Kumar et al., 2005 retrieval of safe drinking water is imperative, as 30 % of urban and 90% of rural Indian population depends utterly on untreated groundwater resources. Understanding of the hydrogeochemical processes and pollutant source and regular monitoring of water quali
的碱度较高。Introduction Air pollution is a major concern before scientific communities and policy makers all over the world, especially in developing countries. With the rapid growth in population, urbanization, industrialization and economic growth, there is a steady surge in demand of mining and energy sectors. This puts a substantial pressure on the environmental regime, particularly on the ambient air. The mining and energy industries are the foremost sectors responsible for the severe deterioration
。Introduction Banks can play a crucial role in maintaining sustainability by becoming a promoter of sustainability. Sustainable development tends to shift the focus of the business fraternity from their traditional bottom line approach of profit to the approach of triple bottom line where the focus lies on three Ps i.e. People (society), Planet (environment) and Profit (economy) and the decision point is the point of intersection of the three considerations (Fig. 1). F
Introduction During the past three decades, because of increased small and large scale industries in the country along with increasing population, there is a pressure on ground water resources.1 It has been observed that nearly 10% of population is devoid of safe drinking water.2 In India more than 90% of population of several states is dependent on groundwater resource for drinking and other purposes.3 Presently groundwater is a source used for agricultura
..Introduction The population of buffalo, sheep, goat and cattle in 2012 in India is 105, 71.6, 140.5, and 199.1 Million.1 They produce a huge amount of dung per day which is a good fertilizer but it is not managed in a scientific manner. Use of raw dung as such or in the form of farm yard manure causes nutrients loss. The nutrient’s content of this dung can be increased by composting. Composting is a process in which the microflora and macroflora of dung degrades the materia
..在印度古吉拉特邦甘地那加尔区Sadara区Gujarat Vidyapith沼气研究和推广中心的棚子下,用砖块准备了一个堆肥坑,并填充了10公斤粪便(牛、水牛、绵羊和山羊各2.5公斤)和2公斤大茶叶的混合物。每隔15天拌匀一次,每隔90天对样品进行理化性质分析。结果表明:与各种物理-c
值相比,Introduction Cage culture is commonly practiced worldwide in both freshwater and marine environments, including open ocean, estuaries, lakes, ponds and reservoirs.1,2 Cage cultured fish are entirely dependent on formulated diets.3 Relatively small portion of the organic matter and inorganic nutrients in feed applied to cages is transformed to fish biomass. It is estimated that for every ton of fish production in cage culture, 132.5 kg of nitrogen and 25.0 kg of phosphorus ar
对总微生物负荷、大肠杆菌和粪便链球菌数量进行评估。Introduction Iran is a country of great culture and advanced civilization, and its natural and cultural heritage diversity has made it one of the top ten world tourism countries, and its archaeological, cultural, natural and geological attractions has created an excellent platform for development of geotourism.1 Geotourism, as a tourism subcategory has become an important part of tourism studies. Iran has a beautiful&