当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 马来西亚的绿色GDP与可持续发展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/green-gdp-and-sustainable-development-in-malaysia/ 2015-03-25 2018-12-05 Negin Vaghefi, Chamhuri Siwar, Sarah Ghani Aziz 第10卷第1期

Introduction Economic growth basically refers to the real growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is computed as a sum of all final goods and services that produced within a period of time at market prices. It is measured by adding together a nation’s personal consumption expenditure, government spending, net exports, and net capital formation1. From sustainability perspective, GDP ignores externalities, specially the environmental externalities. In fact, it just measures what i


可持续性已成为世界经济增长和发展的重要概念。马来西亚作为亚洲快速发展的经济体,能够实现经济的正增长;然而,有一个大问题:中国是否走在可持续增长的道路上?由于传统GDP在反映可持续发展路径上的不足,绿色GDP作为可持续发展的指标可以通过调整计算来实现。本文旨在计算马来西亚的绿色GDP。Th < / p > . . 重金属在石竹中的生物运输研究索姆斯。x射线荧光光谱技术 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/biotransportation-of-heavy-metals-in-eichhornia-crassipes-mart-solms-using-x-ray-fluorescence-spectroscopy/ 2015-04-02 2018-12-05 Hiren Soni, Sheju Thomas 第10卷第1期

Introduction Aquatic macrophyte&nbsp; are aquatic plants growing in or near shores; extremely important components of biotic communities; essential for oxygen production, nutrient cycling, water quality control, and sediment stabilization. They provide favourable habitats and shelters for aquatic life; considered as efficient accumulators of heavy metals and minerals (Vardanyan and Ingole, 2006). Due to these characteristics, such plants can be used successfully as biological monitors and



沙特阿拉伯吉赞地区地下水质量评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/groundwater-quality-assessment-in-jazan-region-saudi-arabia/ 2015-02-28 2018-12-06 阿德尔·阿尔哈贝比,阿卜杜勒·阿尔·拉贾卜 第10卷第1期

Introduction Groundwater is the sole resource of drinking water in arid areas, which is also used in domestic consumption and irrigation1, 2. Information about groundwater occurrence and recovery is critical in the arid and semi-arid areas because of the poor yearly precipitations rate and over use of groundwater resources in these areas3,4. On the other hand, groundwater quality is dominant to use it as drinking water or in domestic uses and irrigations; its quality depends on different fact



马来西亚绿色增长和社会经济发展框架 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/a-framework-for-green-growth-and-socio-economic-development-in-malaysia/ 2015-01-29 2018-12-06 Negin Vaghefi, Chamhuri Siwar, Sarah Aziz, Negin Vaghefi, Chamhuri Siwar, Sarah Aziz 第10卷第1期

Introduction The common indicator of economic progress is growth in gross domestic product (GDP) which is computed as a sum of all final goods and services that produced within a period of time at market prices. Hence, a country could increase its GDP by depleting its natural capital. However, this growth would not be sustainable. In recent years, Malaysia has experienced rapid economic growth which key drivers of such growth are private consumption and investment, especially in the servic



约旦西北部Sharhabiel水库水的物理生化特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/physical-and-biochemical-characteristics-of-sharhabiel-reservoir-water-nw-jordan/ 1970-01-01 2018-09-06 Nazem El-Radaideh , Nazem El-Radaideh , Nazem El-Radaideh 第10卷第1期 < p > < / p > . .


沙特阿拉伯Taandrsquo市周边不同井灌溉水矿物成分评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-mineral-composition-of-irrigated-water-from-different-wells-around-taif-city-saudi-arabia/ 2015-02-14 2018-12-04 Huda手中 第10卷第1期

Introduction Access to adequate water for irrigation is a matter of increasing concern all over the globe especially in arid and semiarid areas.1-4&nbsp;People are using sewage for irrigation of agricultural land due to scarcity of fresh and underground water. The growing problem of water shortage has significant negative influence on economic development, human livelihoods, and improving the environment nature throughout the world4. To face the growing demand for irrigation water, non


从Ta’if city的不同井收集的水的化学成分进行了评估,以确定作为饮用水或至少用于灌溉的适宜性。本研究表明,大部分的化学参数如。Ba, Cd, Cr, Zn &它们不在允许的范围内。从不同的井中采集的水的阴离子差异很大。Cl-在32 - 955 mg -1之间变化,高于EPA标准(200 mg -1)。NO3-2介于

我国纺织服装工业重金属浓度分析孟加拉国迈门辛格巴鲁卡工业区的废水 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/heavy-metals-concentration-in-discharged-textile-wastewater-of-bhaluka-industrial-area-mymensingh-bangladesh/ 2015-02-04 2018-12-05 Biddut Sarker, Md. Baten, Md. Ul-Haque, Alok Das, Ahmed Hossain, Md. Hasan 第10卷第1期

Introduction In the modern world, environmental pollution has been recognized as one of the major problems. The activities of human society via industry influences biogeochemical cycles and this have led to various irreversible changes in our environment.1,2&nbsp;As a result, undesirable effects of poor environmental circumstances on human health are mostly manifested in environment, predominantly in developing countries where urbanization, industrialization and rapid population growth ar


对2013年8月至11月期间从孟加拉国Mymensingh的Bhaluka工业区的纺织工业收集的废水样本进行了调查,以确定其重金属浓度。采用原子吸收光谱仪(AAS)测定样品中锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)、镍(Ni)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)和铅(Pb)的浓度。研究表明,重金属以不同的量存在,其中Cu的浓度(0.0405 ppm)

接种丛枝菌根真菌对水木生长及矿质营养吸收的影响。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/effect-of-arbuscular-mycorrhiza-fungi-inoculation-on-growth-and-up-take-of-mineral-nutrition-in-ipomoea-aquatica/ 2015-04-07 2018-12-04 Milton Halder, A. S., Muhammad Khan, Jagadish Joarda, Samina Akhter 第10卷第1期

Introduction Horticultural cultivation is becoming a widespread in the south-east region of Bangladesh. Soils in this region have high levels of sand that cause P, Zn, and Mn deficiency. Increased use of chemical fertilizers to improve these deficiencies can adversely affect food chain, human health and the environment. A reduction of the fertilizers input together with selecting cultivars and species better adapted to these constrains is necessary to increase the sustainability of crop produ


以环境友好型生物肥料替代化学肥料为目标,通过温室试验研究了接种丛枝菌根对水木植株生长和矿质营养吸收的影响。以普通叶菜植物水草为研究对象,分别在有菌根和无菌根的条件下培养42 d。收获后对植株进行矿质营养浓度分析。植物鲜重、干重、花生

利用模糊发电规划确定伊朗电力市场影子电价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/determination-of-shadow-price-of-iran-electricity-market-using-the-fuzzy-electricity-generation-planning/ 2015-03-09 2018-12-04 Bahareh Hashemlou, Arashk Masaeli, Hossein Sadeghi, Alireza Nasseri, Mohammadhadi Hajian 第10卷第1期

Introduction For both power and electricity energy levels, electricity is a market which exchanges and deals electricity in regional, national, and international levels. Power price is regarded as the main economic indicator in the market for detecting the required investments made in various sectors. To gain higher revenue profits, the investors of this sector assigning higher prices to electricity. However, by entering the investors to sectors with higher prices, the restrictions and price



沸水温度对PTI社区饮用水生物膜形成的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/effects-of-boiling-water-temperature-on-biofilm-formation-in-pti-community-potable-water/ 2015-04-18 2018-12-05 E.A.法代罗,M.I.奥蒂-道格拉斯 第10卷第1期

Introduction The recently observed high E.coli levels in blood samples of the residents of &nbsp;&nbsp;the institute&rsquo;s hostel accommodation have been of great concern. Coliform bacteria are traditionally used as indicator of E.coli contamination of drinking water source. Although the detection of coliform may not pose serious effect but its presence suggests that there are other disease causing organisms present or that there may be the development of a layer of bacteria (bi


本研究探讨了煮沸温度和相关理化参数对石油培训学院饮用水的影响,以及在其输送系统中形成生物膜的可能性。本研究共使用了25份饮用水样本。考察环境参数为pH、电导率、总溶解固形物(TDS)、总悬浮固形物(TSS)、溶解氧(DO1)、/ DO5、盐度、电阻率、总大肠菌群(i

促进人口较少的农村地区向城市地区发展的后果:布什尔省个案研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/consequences-of-promoting-less-populated-rural-areas-to-urban-areas-a-case-study-bushehr-province/ 2015-04-20 2018-12-04 Ali Bastin 第10卷第1期

Introduction Urban and rural areas are two systems interacting in the regional development process (Liu &amp; et al, 2013; Chen et al, 2010). Almost half of the world&#39;s urban population and about a quarter of the world&#39;s population live in village-cities (Satterthwaite &amp; Tacoli, 2003). However, most researchers and policy makers have almost all been fascinated by the challenges and problems of large cities and metropolitan. rural planners and researchers have tradi


修改后的伊朗行政区划法极大地改变了近几十年来的定居模式。农村向城市的推进已经从单纯的人口标准向人口-行政结合标准转变。然而,所有人口普查都表明,许多据报低于最低人口标准的农村地区已被提升到城市地区。在过去的二十年里,这是伊朗城市系统中一个明显的突出现象。本文< / p > . . 孟加拉吉大港市常见香料及品牌香料的重金属含量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/heavy-metal-concentration-in-some-common-spices-available-at-local-market-as-well-as-branded-spicy-in-chittagong-metropolitan-city--bangladesh/ 2015-01-26 2018-12-04 Prabhangshu Das, Milton Halder, A.S.M. Mujib, Faridul Islam, Abu Mohammad Mahmud, Samina Akhter, J.C. Joardar 第10卷第1期

Introduction &ldquo;Spice&rdquo; can be identified as the dry part of a plant such as roots, leaves and seeds which give a share of food a certain flavor and pungent stimuli.1&nbsp;The culinary herbs and spices that are used to enhance the flavor of vegetables, soups, stir-fry, and pasta dishes can be derived from the bark, buds, flowers, leaves, fruit, seeds, rhizome, or roots of a plant. By clubbing spices and condiments into one group the International&nbsp; Origination For



巴基斯坦信德省卡拉奇、贾姆肖罗和塔塔地区的基尔塔尔保护区及其毗邻地区爬行动物的分布和现状 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/distribution-and-current-status-of-the-reptiles-of-khirthar-protected-area-complex--kpac--and-adjoining-areas-in-districts-karachi--jamshoro-and-thatta--sindh-/ 2015-01-16 2018-12-05 Syed Ghalib, Muhammad Khan, Afsheen Zehr, Abeda Begum, Babar Hussain, Abdur Khan, Saquib Hussain, M Usman Hashmi, Fozia Tabbassum, Naseem Samreen, Tahira Lateef 第10卷第1期

Introduction The present studies were undertaken in some important areas for reptiles in Sindh viz. Khirthar Protected Area Complex (KPAC) and in Jhimpir area (Thatta District). The Khirthar Protected Areas Complex (KPAC) stretches over 4,350 km2, encompassing the Protected Areas (PAs) that lie in Kohistan area in the southwest of Sindh and it comprises of Khirthar National Park (KNP), the Mahal Kohistan (MKWS) and Hub Dam Wildlife Sanctuaries (HDWS), and the Surjan, Sumbak, Eri, and Hothiano


在本研究中,调查于2008年进行–2013年,为记录该地区爬行动物的分布和现状,研究期间共记录了41种爬行动物。确定并列出了22个重要的爬行动物栖息地。印度刺尾蜥蜴(Saara hardwickii)在Thatta区Jhimpir Wind Corridor block的局部栖息地受到威胁,印度fatp –尾壁虎(Eublepharis macularius)被发现有b

新型膜技术——空气阴极微生物海水淡化电池在海水脱盐发电中的应用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/simultaneous-desalination-of-sea-water-and-electricity-production-with-new-membrane-technology-air-cathode-microbial-desalination-cells/ 2015-01-12 2018-12-04 Mahdi Asadi-Ghalhari, Nasser Mehrdadi, Gholamreza Nabi-Bidhendi 第10卷第1期

Introduction In recent decades, water scarcity is a global problem. To protect fresh water&nbsp; resources and supplies, a great deal of work has been done by humans(Goh, Ismail et al. 2013). If the current population growth trends continue, many populations over the coming decades will face water shortages. Currently, about 1 billion people in the worldwide do not have adequate access to drinking water. Also, about a third of the world&#39;s population lives in areas where water supp


水和能源的短缺,增加了对可以为海水淡化提供低能量的方法的需求。微生物淡化电池是其中最重要的一种方法。本研究采用空气阴极MDC进行海水淡化。最大电压、功率和电流密度分别为607mV、521mW/m2和858mA/m2 (25mM PBS)和701mV、695mW/m2和992mA/m2 (50mM PBS)。在50mM PBS中产生的电压约为25mM PBS的1.5倍

印度城市住区的环境可持续发展:指标制定框架 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/environmentally-sustainable-development-of-urban-settlements-in-india-a-framework-for-development-of-indicators/ 2015-01-13 2018-12-07 Shuvojit Sarkar, T. Bhattacharyya 第10卷第1期

Introduction Background Study Review of Sustainable Development Indicator Initiatives Several International and National agencies across the World have been working towards formulating indicators of sustainable development at various levels since the concept of &lsquo;Sustainable Development&rsquo; got a major impetus after the &lsquo;Brundtland Commissions&rsquo; Report in 1987. A review of the indicator initiatives across the world gives an insight into their conceptual


自1992年里约首脑会议以来,全世界在制定可持续发展指标方面在不同规模(全球/国家/区域/地方)进行了许多努力,重点放在一个或所有方面。然而,印度在可持续发展指标的制定方面已经落后,而且没有一个印度城市出现在IISD纲要的审查中,该纲要是迄今为止跟踪指标工作的最全面的数据库。 金属污染对城市居民健康有危害吗? //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/is-metal-contamination-a-health-risk-in-study-subjects-from-urban-vadodara/ 2015-01-24 2018-12-03 Suneeta Chandorkar, Priyanka Bajaj, Prachi Deota 第10卷第1期

Introduction Metals are elements that form cations when compounds of it are in solution and oxides of the elements form hydroxides rather than acids in water. The contamination of metals like Lead, Mercury and Arsenic has been found to be detrimental to all the organisms. Metals are released through various sources leading to the contamination of air, water and soil. Metals are non-biodegradable and non-thermo degradable; they enter the human body system through the food chain and accumulate



果阿铁矿采区环境空气质量下降 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/depreciation-in-ambient-air-quality-in-iron-ore-mining-region-of-goa/ 2015-01-27 2018-12-03 Gurdeep Singh, Atahar Perwez 第10卷第1期

Introduction Iron ore mining is a major economic activity of Goa and it has evolved the economy of the State. Mining and quarrying contributed about 20.4 % of the GDP (gross domestic product) to the state&rsquo;s economy.1&nbsp;Mining activities, whether small or large, are inherently disruptive to the environment. The environmental deterioration caused by mining activities&nbsp;occurs mainly as a result of inappropriate and wasteful working practices. The magnitude of impact on a


非政府组织在固体废物管理中的作用:印度曼尼普尔不同城市的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/role-of-ngo--s-in-solid-waste-management--a-study-in-different-municipalities-of-manipur--india/ 2015-02-03 2018-12-04 Ch. Raghumani Singh, Mithra Dey 第10卷第1期

Introduction Growth of human population, increasing economic activities and raising standards of living generates more municipal solid waste which has become a serious environmental problem in the recent years. Increased urbanization and rapid industrialization along with changing lifestyles have created accumulation of huge amount of waste and garbage in the urban areas and the absence of proper disposal and recycling has led to severe environmental hazards. The problem is severed in urban a



印度贾坎德邦贾里亚煤矿区地下水水质季节性变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/variation-in-groundwater-quality-with-seasonal-fluctuation-in-jharia-coal-mine-region-jharkhand-india/ 2015-01-03 2018-12-03 Binay Panigrahy, Prasoon Singh, Ashwani Tiwari, Bijendra Kumar 第10卷第1期

Introduction Water is an essential and vital component for our life-support system. Rapidly deleting of groundwater supplies as a consequence of continued population growth and industrialization threaten the quality of many aquifers in India. For evaluating the suitability of groundwater for different purpose, understanding the chemical composition of groundwater is necessary. Further, it is possible to understand the change in quality due to rock-water interaction (weathering) or any type of



查谟和克什米尔J和K-A省渔业形态变化的比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/change-in-fishing-patterns-in-jammu-and-kashmir-provinces-of-j-and-k-a-comparative-study/ 2015-07-20 2018-12-05 Imtiyaz Qayoom, Masood ul, Bilal Bhat 第10卷第1期

Introduction Jammu and Kashmir is known as a tourist destination due to its munificence of blossoms and magnanimity of resorts, the state is holding huge water spread area of 57000 hectares approximately out of which about 24000 hectares are in the shape of lakes, marshy areas and reservoirs and 23000 hectares in the shape of river systems (Anayat and Arjamand 2013). These water bodies are home to various freshwater organisms of plant and animal origin serving congenial habitats for their wel



印度恰蒂斯加尔邦不同规模沼气厂的经济评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/economic-evaluation-of-different-size-of-biogas-plants-in-chhattisgarh-india/ 2015-02-23 2018-12-03 Kumar Shailendra, Mishra P, Khardiwar S, Patel K, Sayyad G 第10卷第1期

Introduction The world today is seized with the problem of energy supply, shortage of cheap and efficient fuel resources, shortage of many other usable commodities and growing environmental problem. Fast depletion of fuels particularly oil, mass-scale of deforestation leading to a fuel wood crisis and the population explosion, all combine to emphasize the need for exploiting the unconventional sources of energy which could meet the way to improve the rural economy of the world growing numbers


为了确定沼气厂对家庭养牛和家庭成员的工作效率和经济规模,2007- 2008年在印度恰蒂斯加尔邦进行了一项研究。随机选取15个街区,覆盖117个沼气厂。其中99家工厂(85%)处于经济分析的工作状态。调查结果显示,不同规模的沼气厂(2- 8 m3)在研究区内具有经济效益。在< / p > . . 水质指数(WQI)法评价印度卡纳塔克邦图姆库尔地区蒂普图尔塔鲁克某水箱水质 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/water-quality-index-wqi-approach-to-evaluate-the-water-quality-of-certain-tank-waters-of-tiptur-taluk-in-tumkur-district-karnataka-india/ 2015-03-11 2018-12-03 A. M. Shivanna, G. Nagendrappa 第10卷第1期

Introduction Surface water is undoubtedly not safe for drinking purposes when compared to ground water and therefore ground water is the main source of drinking water in rural areas and many urban areas as well. Even though surface water bodies are not direct sources of drinking water for humans, they have indirect impact on the quality and availability of ground water. Tanks are the sources for domestic and agricultural use in addition to recharging the ground water. Therefore, if the qualit



安得拉邦虾类养殖技术效率:评估与启示 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/technical-efficiency-of-shrimp-farming-in-andhra-pradesh-estimation-and-implications/ 2015-04-11 2018-12-04 I. Sivaraman, M. Krishnan, P.S. ananathan, K.J.S. Satyasai, L. Krishnan, P. Haribabu, P.N. Ananth 第10卷第1期

Introduction Coastal shrimp aquaculture in a traditional form existed in Indian sub-continent for many centuries. During eighties the shrimp farming enterprise picked momentum and became a popular farming practice among coastal farmers. It was in the 1990 s, the economic liberalization process widened the scope of the commercial shrimp farming since it was arose an export oriented&nbsp; activity. The government schemes and programmes fueled the growth in subsequent years and the shrimp fa



纳尔马达河Dogarwadaghat水域浮游植物多样性及其与水体理化参数的关系 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/phytoplanktonic-diversity-and-its-relation-to-physicochemical-parameters-of-water-at-dogarwadaghat-of-river-narmada/ 2015-03-16 2018-12-05 Jyoti Sharma, Alka Parashar, Pratibha Bagare, Imtiyaz Qayoom 第10卷第1期

Introduction Plankton occupies the first link in the food chain and hence forms an important source of food for large aquatic animals. The primary producers are known to contribute significantly to the biological productivity of a water body besides mitigating the carbon cycle by photosynthesis and help to regulate temperature of the area of their prevalence. These are very sensitive to environment they live in and any alteration in the water system leads to the change in their communities in



印度旁遮普Ranjit Sagar湿地浮游植物丰度和物种多样性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/phytoplankton-abundance-and-species-diversity-in-ranjit-sagar-wetland-punjab-india/ 2015-03-06 2018-12-05 Onkar Brraich, Sunil Saini 第10卷第1期

Introduction Wetlands are directly or indirectly support life of millions of living beings. Human civilization has started on the bank of major rivers. But due to increased population and anthropogenic pressures, the conditions of the most of the wetlands have already deteriorated and will dilapidate further. In India the freshwater constitutes rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, ponds and reservoirs. These freshwater bodies directly help in the growth of human civilization. The freshwater reso


2012年6月至2014年5月对Ranjit Sager湿地浮游植物群落的物种多样性、优势度和丰度进行了逐月研究。主要目的是提供有关该湿地整体浮游植物多样性的信息。采用浮游植物网采集浮游植物样品,在5%甲醛溶液中现场保存,然后带到实验室进一步分析。蓝藻科、绿藻科和硅藻科藻类

镉铬胁迫对紫茉莉生长、生理和金属吸收的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-cadmium-and-chromium-stress-on-growth-physiology-and-metal-uptake-using-mirabilis-jalapa/ 2015-04-15 2018-12-05 s.a, Tharakeswar Yadamari, Kalyan Yakkala, Sreevani Parvathareddy, Ramakrishna Gurijala 第10卷第1期

Introduction The development of industrialization and anthropogenic activities led to an increased accumulation of heavy metals, which results in contamination of soil.1 Generally, heavy metals are not biodegradable and therefore can sustain for longer time in environmental segments. Due to this bioaccumulative nature heavy metals may alter the food chain and cause various toxic effects on plants, humans and animals. In environment, the most common toxic metals are cadium, lead, mercury, arse


研究了具有较高生态适应性的块根茉莉的植物提取潜力。采用盆栽试验研究了不同镉铬胁迫水平对水稻生长、生理和金属吸收的影响。实验采用5种不同试验浓度(TC),即TC1(0)、TC2(25)、TC3(50)、TC4(75)和TC5(100) ppm,为期45天。生长、生理参数与金属积累

Rajouri区Shahdarah Sharief村(Jandamp;K)以饲料和燃料为例的资源利用模式 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/resource-utilization-pattern-with-special-reference-to-fodder-and-fuel-in-village-shahdarah-sharief-district-rajouri-jk/ 2015-04-16 2018-12-05 Simab Qureshi, Shahima Akhter, Piyush Malaviya 第10卷第1期

Introduction Forests are deemed to be the green lung of the nation and act as important natural resource for rural livelihood in India, providing variety of products and services. The rural population in most of the developing countries depends mostly on forests mainly for fuel wood and fodder. The energy use pattern in rural India is changing with introduction of clean energy but traditional fuels including fuel wood, crop residue and cow dung still constitute the main source of household co


本研究旨在了解印度Rajouri村Shahdarah Sharief的饲料和燃料利用模式。常用的饲料类型有青饲料、顶饲料、作物残茬和树叶。青饲料消耗量最高(16.83 kg/d /户),顶料利用率最低(1.10 kg/d /户)。满足研究区居民能源需求的主要燃料类型为木材、液化石油气和粪饼。液化石油气占消费的主要份额。 阿萨姆邦恰恰尔Rosekandy茶园淡水系统小水藻蝌蚪的食性及水生生境保护意义 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/diet-of-tadpoles-of-microhyla-ornata-from-a-freshwater-system-in-rosekandy-tea-estate-cachar-assam-and-significance-of-conservation-of-aquatic-habitats/ 2015-02-27 2018-12-05 Mithra Dey, Shweta Goswami 第10卷第1期

Introduction Anuran tadpoles are gregarious in nature (Saidapur, 2001). Knowledge of food and feeding behavior of the tadpoles is very essential for their successful breeding, as the early part of life history of amphibians is dependent on the availability of food items in the natural habitat (Sinha et.al., 2001) Dramatic declines in amphibian populations have been noted since 1980 from all over the world and is thus perceived to be one of the most critical threats to global biodiversity. A n



印度阿萨姆邦巴拉克山谷森林村庄的人与野生动物冲突 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/human-wildlife-conflict-in-the-forest-villages-of-barak-valley-assam-india/ 2015-04-18 2018-12-05 H. Dutta, H. Singha, B. Dutta, P. Deb, A. Das 第10卷第1期

Introduction Biodiversity or wildlife-related conflicts are situations when wildlife comes into conflict with humans over common resources (Conover, 2002; Graham et al., 2005). According to Woodroffe et al. (2005), human-wildlife conflict is the phenomenon where conflicting situations arise between humans and wildlife in the form of crop raiding, livestock depredation, predation on managed wild animal species or killing of people. It is a serious issue that requires to be addressed urgently w


恰蒂斯加尔邦赖布尔地区战略性作物规划的降雨概率分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/analysis-of-rainfall-probabilities-for-strategic-crop-planning-in-raipur-district-of-chhattisgarh-state/ 2015-04-20 2018-12-05 Sanjay Bhelawe, N. Manikandan, Rajesh Khavse, J. Chaudhary, S. Patel 第10卷第1期

Introduction Rainfall is the single most important factor in crop production programme particularly under dry lands areas. Of all the climatic factors, rainfall is of greatest concern to population in rainfed agriculture. The variation of monsoonal and annual rainfall in space and time are well known and this inter-annual variability of monsoonal rainfall has considerable impact on agricultural production, water management and energy generation. Analysis of annual, seasonal and monthly rainfa


对印度恰蒂斯加尔邦Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidhyalaya Raipur地区Labhandi站近43年(1971-2013)的降水资料进行了不完全伽玛概率方法分析。数据显示,拉班迪站的平均降雨量为1202毫米,分布在61个雨天。其中1055毫米、68毫米、53毫米及27毫米分别来自西南季候风(6 - 9月)、东北季候风(10 - 12月)、夏季季候风(3 - 5月)及冬季季候风(1 - 2月)。Proba < / p > . . Bilaspur地区Pendra区块水的定性和定量参数估算 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/estimation-of-qualitative-and-quantitative-parameters-of-water-in-pendra-block-of-district-bilaspur/ 2015-04-16 2018-12-05 Mohd Bakshi, Manish Uphadhyay 第10卷第1期

Introduction According to Akaninwor et al. (2007), pollution of freshwater bodies such as drinking waters, streams, lakes and ponds is mostly experienced as a result of industrial discharge, municipal waste disposal and surface runoff. These pollutants may be point source (those that reach water or the environment from a single pipeline or channel, such as sewage discharge) or non-point source (those pollutants coming from diverse sources, entering the environment from multiple venues). Indis


本标的物包含了对Pendra区块水的定性和定量参数的估计,包括温度、pH值、浊度、碱度、硬度、氯化物、硫酸盐、溶解氧、生化需氧量、化学需氧量、总固形物含量、总溶解固形物。样品在不同时间显示出变化,这可能是由于水中存在大量污染物。 不同原料型煤的物理化学性质 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/physicochemical-propertieso-briquettes-from-different-feed-stock/ 2015-04-14 2018-12-05 D. K. Vyas, F. Sayyad, M. Khardiwar, Shailendra Kumar 第10卷第1期

Introduction With respect to global issues of sustainable energy and reduction in greenhouse gases, biomass energy as one of the key sources of renewable energy is boon as a potential source of energy in the future. In India generally agricultural residue such as rice husk, cotton stalks, soybean stalks, pigeon pea stalk, groundnut shell, safflower residue etc. are available in abundant quantity. It was reported that 15-50 per cent of the worlds primary energy used could come from biomass by


对8种不同类型的生物质原料及其型煤的理化性质进行了研究,其中平衡含水率(EMC %)和相对湿度(%)等对其储存和燃烧性能有影响的特性进行了研究。在相对湿度(RH)为40 ~ 90

红土颗粒作为吸附剂去除铬的性能研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/performance-of-laterite-soil-grains-as-adsorbent-in-the-removal-of-chromium/ 2015-02-24 2018-12-05 Syama I J, Arun Thalla, Manu S 第10卷第1期

Introduction Since last 5 decades, environmental pollution due to rapid industrialization has created more modern problems. Industries have a large prospective to cause streams, river, lake and sea pollution, thereby causing increased addition of heavy metals into the environment (Sahu et al. 2009). Environment pollution by toxic heavy metals occurs through industrial, military and agricultural processes (Ajmal, Ali Khan Rao, and Siddiqui 1996).A serious threat that posed to the environment d



羊粪环境下巨角茶叶的堆肥研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/composting-of-calotropis-gigantea-leaves-in-presence-of-sheep-dung/ 2015-02-26 2018-12-05 Mayur Shah, Jaldip Kansara, Prateek Shilpkar 第10卷第1期

Introduction To feed the ever-increasing human population we have to increase agricultural production using more concentrated forms of plant nutrients as chemical fertilizers but some adverse effects of chemical fertilizers on soil health and environment are also reported like application of ammonium sulfate produces acidic conditions (due to sulfuric acid), reaction of ammonia (produced from urea) with water produce alkaline (pH 11.0) ammonium hydroxide, both the situations kills microorgani


巨茶是一种几乎无处不在的植物,没有经济用途。用羊粪对大茶树叶片进行堆肥处理。保持堆肥条件,并在堆肥30、60和90天提取样品,分析pH、电导率、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl1-、总有机碳、总氮、速效磷和速效钾。结果表明,这些参数的含量随时间的变化而变化,在90 d富营养化堆肥

补充龙葵用于沼气生产 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/solanum-tuberosum-supplementation-for-biogas-production/ 2015-02-05 2018-12-05 Pradip Acharya, Prateek Shilpkar 第10卷第1期

Introduction Biogas technology is well known in the world for waste utilization. Wastes are being converted in biogas digester anaerobically by different groups of bacteria into valuable manure and gas is generated. The gas is used for a number of purposes. Factors affecting microbial activity governs the amount of biogas generated. Rate of microbial activity fluctuates with change in pH, temperature, nutrients supply, mineral contents etc. In India since the population of cattle is very larg


利用动物粪便生产沼气是有充分记录的。营养补充提高微生物活性,最终导致增加沼气产量。马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)是一种蔬菜作物,在世界大部分地区都有种植。它富含碳水化合物、淀粉和多种矿物质。本实验在5L容量的玻璃消化瓶中进行,瓶中填充牛粪和水的混合物,总固体含量为5.3%。共准备了6组,其中3组作为对照,

基于Gis的北阿坎德邦柳树人工林立地适宜性分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/site-suitability-analysis-for-willow-tree-plantation-in-uttarakhand-using-gis/ 2015-01-31 2018-12-05 Puranik Vardhan, Nain S, Murty S 第10卷第1期

Introduction Most of the plant species in India are exploited for their commercial values with least or no consideration for their sustainable exploitation. Willow is one such species on which several local level livelihoods are dependent. As a plant, willow is used for in the manufacture of&nbsp;boxes, broom, cricket bats, cradle broads, chairs and other furniture, dolls, flutes, poles, sweat lodges, toys, turnery, tool handles, veneer, wands and whistles. In addition,&nbsp;tannin,&a


本研究的目的是评价北阿坎德邦土地对柳树的适宜性。研究区位于北纬28& 43'北纬31& 27'东经77& 34'东经81& 02'之间。面积约53485平方公里。由确定的主题层叠加过程产生的适用性具有唯一的树需求信息,而树需求信息是适用性的基础。已确定的主题层包括temp

利用水生昆虫对印度阿萨姆邦恰尔地区漫滩湿地进行快速生物评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/rapid-bioassessment-of-magura-haor-floodplain-wetland-cachar-district-assam-india-using-aquatic-insects/ 2015-02-04 2018-12-05 Arpita Dalal , Susmita Gupta 第10卷第1期

Introduction Rapid bioassessment survey is the quick and easy method of analyzing water quality of any water bodies by using benthic macroinvertebrates community. Benthic macroinvertebrates are common inhabitants of freshwater systems and are also sensitive elements of aquatic biota (Alves et al., 2008). Therefore, changes in its taxonomic richness and composition are considered sensitive tools for perceiving alterations in aquatic ecosystems (Mance, 1987). Therefore, rapid procedures for ass


2013- 2014年,采用水生昆虫快速评价法对马古拉河漫滩湿地进行了四季水质调查。在这两个地点采集了水生昆虫,鉴定达到科级。共记录到半翅目、鞘翅目、翅翅目、蜉蝣目和双翅目5目21科。站点1 17科(半翅目7科,鞘翅目4科,翅目3科,Ephemerop

恰蒂斯加尔邦赖布尔地区气温和降雨趋势的统计分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/statistical-analysis-of-temperature-and-rainfall-trend-in-raipur-district-of-chhattisgarh/ 2015-01-31 2018-12-05 R. Khavse, R. Deshmukh, N. Manikandan, J. Chaudhary, D. Khaushik 第10卷第1期

Introduction The rainfall and temperatures are the most important fundamental physical parameters among the climate as these parameters determine the environmental condition of the particular region which affects the agricultural productivity. Global warming/climate change is one of the most important worldwide issue talked among the scientists and researchers. One of the consequences of climate change is the alteration of rainfall patterns and increase in temperature. According to Intergover


对印度恰蒂斯加尔邦rapur地区Labandi站1971 - 2013年近30年的气温和降水趋势进行了分析。用线性趋势分析评估了气温和降雨的长期变化。平均数的上升趋势Mann-Kendall趋势检验证实了最高气温(MMAX)和总平均降雨量(TMRF)。据观察,在赖布尔地区…… 两地德西棉高级选育系遗传变异估计及优种频次 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/genetic-variability-estimation-and-frequency-of-superior-progenies-in-advance-breeding-lines-in-desi-cotton-at-two-locations/ 2015-01-27 2018-12-05 Bangaremma Wadeyar, S. Kajjidoni 第10卷第1期

Introduction Cotton, popularly referred as &ldquo;White Gold&rdquo;, is an important fibre crop of global importance, cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions of more than seventy countries. Its importance in our economy is reflected in terms of generating employment, and foreign exchange earnings. Cotton is the lifeline for about 60 million people, which includes farmers and workers involved in the cotton industry from processing to trading (Khadi, 2007). Global production of



班加罗尔Rajajinagar地下水水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-ground-water-quality-in-rajajinagar-of-bangalore/ 2015-01-10 2018-12-07 Alimuddin 第10卷第1期 水是所有生物最基本的组成部分。生物离开水就不能生存。它是人类环境中最重要的组成部分之一。它用于许多用途,即饮用,灌溉,工业供水。它也用于水力发电。和一代。地下水的质量随地下水位的深度而变化,也随季节的变化而变化,主要是



印度古吉拉特邦Junagadh (Saurashtra地区)最高和最低气温趋势的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/a-study-of-maximum-and-minimum-temperatures-trends-at-junagadh-saurashtra-region-of-gujarat-india/ 2015-01-08 2018-12-05 Bhavin Ram, S. Chinchorkar, M. Khardiwar, F. Sayyad 第10卷第1期

Introduction This problem worries the scientific community, as it could have a major impact on natural and social systems at local, regional and national scales. Numerous climatologists1 2; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),3-5 agree that there has been a large-scale warming of the Earth&rsquo;s surface over the last hundred years or so. This warming up of the Earth during the 20th century brought with it a decrease in the area of the world affected by exceptionally cool t


因此,本文试图研究1980-2011年印度古吉拉特邦Junagadh (Saurashtra Region)气温的时间变化。采用mann&andash;Kendall秩统计和线性趋势对气温的长期变化进行了评价。本研究的一个重要方面是年平均气温有明显的降温趋势,这种趋势在冬季更为明显。夏季也表现出明显的降温趋势,由于微

恰蒂斯加尔邦Sarguja林区Khairbar人工林萨尔幼苗和草本植物区系评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-sal-seedlings-and-herbaceous-flora-in-the-khairbar-plantation-of-sarguja-forest-division-chhattisgarh/ 2015-01-13 2018-12-06 R. Sinha, M. Jhariya, D. Yadav 第10卷第1期

Introduction The herbaceous species varies greatly along with the different micro climate [DS1]&nbsp;of the region.1,2,3&nbsp;Herb layer contributes substantial role and responds quickly to changes in the environmental conditions. In landscapes with significant topographic heterogeneity, herb layer composition and diversity vary with gradients of microclimate, soil moisture, soil fertility4 and different kind of anthropogenic pressures.5,6,7&nbsp;Herbaceous community also alters [


在本研究中,我们对2013- 2014年Sarguja林区Khairbar人工林的sal幼苗生长性能和草本植物区系多样性进行了评价。研究表明,海巴尔人工林幼苗高度存在显著差异。幼苗根冠比在0.31 ~ 0.74之间。幼苗总高度为24.00 ~ 90.00 cm。单株苗周长在

印度安得拉邦戈达瓦里运河地表水中酚类化合物的评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-phenolic-compounds-in-the-surface-waters-of-godavari-canal-andhra-pradesh-india/ 2015-01-14 2018-12-06 P.库马尔,M.帕查 第10卷第1期

Introduction Phenolic compounds are ubiquitous in environment. Many of them are found in nature and found to be responsible for colour of many flowers and fruits.1&nbsp;They are undegradable organic materials and pollute the natural ecosystem. They can arise from natural substance degradation, industrial activity and agricultural practices. They are found in wastes of synthetic resin, plastics, rubber-proofing, dye manufacturing and many chemicals.2&nbsp;They are found to be toxic and



农用秸秆提取棉花秸秆生物量的理化性质研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/physiochemical-properties-of-cotton-stalk-biomass-from-aricultural-residues/ 2015-04-18 2018-12-06 Dobariya Umesh, P. Sarsavadiya, Krishna Vaja, Khardiwar Mahadeo 第10卷第1期

Introduction Progress and prosperity of nations depends mainly on energy. An availability and consumption level of energy is the best indicator of economic and social development. Use of crop residues for energy production has been propagated as a substitute for fossil fuels in industrialized countries. The available sources of fossil fuels are limited as well as the growing awareness of the unfavorable environmental consequences resulting from greenhouse gas emissions have reinforced the imp


研究了以农业秸秆为原料制备棉花秸秆燃料的性能。在棉秆碎纸机的帮助下,将整株棉秆转化为碎料。棉秆碎纸机的粉碎能力为218公斤/小时。对棉秆碎料的容重为34.92 kg / m3,水分含量为13.63%,挥发物含量为74.52%,灰分含量为4.95%,固定碳含量为20.53%,棉秆生物质发热量

古吉拉特邦塔皮河乌凯下游水质及污染源评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol10no1/assessment-of-water-quality-and-sources-of-pollution-in-down-stream-of-ukai-tapi-river-gujarat/ 2015-03-31 2018-12-06 Monika Dubey, N Ujjania 第10卷第1期

Introduction The quality of water is a sensitive issue and it is affected by natural as well as anthropogenic processes. Increasing consumption and natural processes such as changes in precipitation inputs, erosion and weathering of crustal materials degrade surface water and impair their uses for drinking, industrial, agricultural and other purposes.1&nbsp;The river water is contributed directly or indirectly for human welfare and aquatic ecosystem2 it is highly vulnerable to pollution


