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MinouGharehbaglou一号*Ahad Nejad Ebrahimi一号以拉黑Aghajni2

一号Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

2Architecture and Urbanism Faculty, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


重造历史城市并适应当代生活环境与发展是改善历史城市社会、经济和文化状况的基本策略之一,社会文化条件变化要求更多关注高度潜在城市环境,如历史枢纽改善上述条件This research aims at studying a recent phenomenon in cities based on social, cultural and economic innovations called "creative place" .The objective of the theory of "creative place" is developing strategies for achieving a new model of sustainable development that is consistent with the spirit of time in response to the following question: "How can we achieve the concept of creative place as a new model of sustainable development based on culture and identity in regenerating the historical centers of a modern Islamic-Iranian city?" .According to the approach of "sense of place" and using interaction between the three areas discussed in the creative place, i.e., Art & Culture, Knowledge-based organizations, and Community projects, this subject is analyzed using content analysis method and reviewing the literatures.环境组件更新伊朗-伊斯兰现代市历史中心归根结底,Isfahan Naqsh-e-Jahan广场环境因素得到识别和分析,以成为一个有创意的地方本研究得出结论,承认伊朗当代架构遗产和伊斯兰城市主义特征,以打下实现创用地思想基础,导致承认该遗产所涉及的丰富因素





GharehbaglouM,EbrahimiNgjajniE重创新址:新方式推广伊斯兰-伊朗市当代遗产可用来源 ://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=7901

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