莎米拉Seifalian1侯赛因·亚德加里(Hossein Yadegari)2阿克巴·莫赫塔里·阿扎尔3.*
在每一个职业和领域都有被称为风险的案例和地方在生物风险中心可以被分类为特定的类别。在HSE领域也有风险中心,可以单独和具体地识别和验证。在定义;能够存在风险或产生风险或可能成为产生风险的潜在来源的地方和情况被称为风险中心。卫生风险中心、免疫风险中心和环境风险中心是不同的,有独立和分离的识别。按其经营范围;这些中心或多或少。在这个调查中;试图记录赛帕公司的大部分生物风险中心。由于这个原因;一项为期12个月的研究计划已经完成。前三个月主要用于网上搜索和理论调查。 Then, for nine months and with four experts biological risk centers were identify and related data was gathered and listed with software program Excel. The repeated cases were removed. After recognizing the biological risk centers, by operating method of number PJ-01-001 that is adoption of FMEA method, the risk were validated. In this evaluation every points were investigated and categorized into high, medium and low risk according to their occurrence, level of risk, frequency of occurrence, exposure to risk, control actions and ability of discovering risk. In the last four months, for the cases that categorized in high and medium risk fixing measures and actions were done. Related to unremitting and investigation; the cases that were in accordance with personnel, were noticed and a large number of these cases eliminated (about so percent) and the parts that needed. Instructions and appropriate actions were programmed and now are available for eliminate contradictions.Finally, it was determined since performing and noticing are not done and there is no training for it, it's not expectable that risk centers can be eliminated. According to this assessment, unremitting and continuing this process, in hygiene field, center of biological risk points were recognized and were diminished from 55 to 22 in less than four months.At last, considering the fact that the probability of occurring new risks are obvious; continuing the investigation and identification are recommended.