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Nilesh K. Susware1Jagdish B. Sapkale2*维纳亚·n·萨斯韦尔3.和Shubham K. Gavhane2


汛期河道的形态变化影响了河道的曲度指数。河流的曲度等特征也决定了河道中洪水的强度。由于降雨的变化,最近的洪水损失有所增加;与此同时,可持续发展也带来了这些问题。对马哈拉施特拉邦莫纳河的河道变化和河岸稳定性进行了评价和了解。研究工作还确定了河流的格局/平台。莫纳河在曼格尔村附近与瓦尔纳河汇合。上流域大部分河流为非多年生河流。洪水的发生是由于季节性降雨。利用曲度指数分析河道变化,识别河道的稳定性和不稳定性。 Therefore, this may facilitate predicting probable riverbank erosion sites and also support sustainable flood management planning for these sites during forthcoming flood events. The sinuosity index of the Morna river ranges from 1.09 to 1.44. The sinuosity indexes for the Morna river and tributaries of its sub-basins/watersheds have been calculated using geospatial techniques. The disparities in sinuosity indexes of the Morna basin and sub-watersheds having a good correlation with slope of the river , fluvial processes, water discharge and hydraulic aspects of the river channel. Seasonal potential flood risk for the agricultural land may be found at the confluence of the Warna river and its tributary Morna river when it receives heavy rainfall in upstream.



苏斯瓦N. K, Sapkale J. B,苏斯瓦V. N, Gavhane S. K.印度莫尔纳河(马harashtra)洪水可持续性研究。当代世界环境,2021;16(2)。DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.16.2.28


苏斯瓦N. K, Sapkale J. B,苏斯瓦V. N, Gavhane S. K.印度莫尔纳河(马harashtra)洪水可持续性研究。当代世界环境,2021;16(2)。可以从:https://bit.ly/3mCWFsz