水是一种不可缺少的自然资源,对所有生命形式的生存至关重要。它对国家的经济繁荣和总体福祉作出了重大贡献。因此,了解水体的状况对确保它们的长期利用至关重要。因此,对Dalvoy湖的水质参数和水生昆虫群落进行了研究,该湖面积为133.43英亩,长度为2.2 km。每月的水样是在上午8点至10点之间从三个地点使用一升标记的塑料容器收集的。按照标准方法进行水质分析,并与饮用水规范进行比较。溶解氧含量、总硬度、电导率、总溶解固形物、浊度均超过允许范围。在同一地点收集水生昆虫,并在4%福尔马林中保存。本研究共鉴定了水生昆虫15种,隶属半翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目和蜉蝣目4目。半翅目是最大的类群,有8种; 4 species of Diptera; 2 species of Coleoptera and a lone species of Ephemeroptera. The computation of aquatic insect dominance status using Engelmann's Scale revealed Diplonychus rusticus, Anisops sp., Enithares sp., Chironomous sp. and Culex sp. as dominant. Biodiversity metrics like the Shannon Index (1.4-2.11) and the evenness index (0.50-0.66) reflect the agitation of the system. Based on the results of the water quality index (163.67) and aquatic insect assemblage, it is evident that the water in Dalvoy Lake is deteriorated and is unfit for domestic usage. The study also indicated the abundance of two genera Chironomous and Culex of the Diptera order which are the index of water pollution. Thus, the present study calls for urgent and strict vigilance and continuous monitoring of this perennial water body for conservation and sustainable management.
Abhilash H. R, Mahadevaswamy M.印度卡纳塔克邦迈索尔地区Dalvoy湖水质参数和水生昆虫群落的评价。当代世界环境,2021;16(2)。DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.16.2.17
Abhilash H. R, Mahadevaswamy M.印度卡纳塔克邦迈索尔地区Dalvoy湖水质参数和水生昆虫群落的评价。当代世界环境,2021;16(2)。可从:https://bit.ly/3maXHMi