通过ICP-OES从部落牧场城不同市场地点的蔬菜中蔬菜中重金属的%T估计估计健康风险%9文章%D%J当前世界环境%R 10.12944 / CWE.8.3.13%P 435-444%v 22%n 25%u www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/448/%8 - 11月29,2013%x -摘要:电感耦合等离子体 - 光学发射光谱法(ICP-OES)用于估计和评估从牧场市(部落主导人口)各地的蔬菜中的重金属水平,然后通过确定金属污染指数(MPI)进行健康风险评估,每日摄入金属(DIM)和健康风险指数(HRI)。发现蔬菜中Pb,Cd和Ni的浓度水平含有超过允许的PFA限制。所有网站均显示出相当多的铅浓度(PB),而不是允许的PFA限制。在十三个蔬菜中,甜菜,黄瓜,豌豆,豆类,女士的手指,腐败剂叶和番茄在所有地点收集的蔬菜中显示出高水平的Pb。还发现了健康风险指数> 1用于CD,CO和PB。来自Site-6和Site-8的黄瓜中,镉的健康风险指数为1.64和2.38。在菠菜中,Site-6和Site-8分别为2.19和2.15。Health Risk Index for Pb was > 1 in Cucumber (All sites; 3.54 in Site-8), Pea (All sites except Site-10; 2.45 in Site-7), Beans (All sites; 1.38 in Site-9), Lady’s finger (All sites; 2.03 in Site-7), and Tomato (All sites except Site-10; 2.79 in Site-8). Lead and cadmium were among the most abundant heavy metals in the selected vegetables. The excessive content of these heavy metals in food may causes number of diseases. HRI more than 1 is considered to be not safe for human health. In present study, HRI indicates considerable risk and negative impact on human health. %0 - Journal Article %I - %@ - 0125-895