作者@article {CWE / 1595/2020 ={} ={}当前世界环境》杂志上的出版商= {},title ={覆盖技术来保护土壤水分,促进作物生产——回顾},年={},月={},体积= {65},url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1199/},页面= {10 - 30},为了提高粮食产量和改善周围环境质量,人们需要寻找控制或调节水蚀和风蚀的材料。现在,地膜覆盖已成为农业生产中一项必不可少的决定性措施。减少除草剂和各种化肥的使用,控制杂草,保持土壤湿度和土壤温度。本文综述了国内外关于覆盖的各种研究,并阐述了它们在解决农业覆盖问题上所面临的机遇。多年来,由于全球变暖和印度降雨量少的地区降雨不均匀或不确定,农业生产的水资源一直不足。为了缓解农业缺水问题,覆盖作为雨养作物的一种保水技术具有重要作用。它对保持土壤水分、防止土壤蒸发和控制影响粮食生产的土壤温度是非常重要的。作为一个农业国家,印度应该对水资源保护策略更加钦佩。现在我们正与缺水的巨大压力作斗争。 Each and every drop of water is important for us but inappropriately because of inattentiveness, we repeatedly waste gigantic volume of water in which 70 to 80 % is passed down for irrigation purpose. Mulching and micro- irrigation techniques can play a vital role in controlling the over and excessive irrigation. This practice assistance to prevent weed growth, increment soil moisture, reduce soil erosion, maintain soil temperature, augments soil structure, improves soil fertility and improvise soil biological regime. There are several categories of mulching which are organic mulching, inorganic mulching, natural mulching, synthetic mulching, surface mulching, upright mulching or vertical mulching, plastic mulching, rubber mulching, pebble or stone mulching, dust mulching, straw mulching, landscape fabric, live vegetative barriers etc. Mulching also shows some limitations beyond many advantages as it may harbor some insects, pests and diseases and also create some weed problems sometimes. The current analysis deals with argument of every single feature of mulching and it’s beneficiary effects.}, number = {69}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.15.Special-Issue1.02} }