Study of Some Physical & Chemical Characteristic Properties of Ground Water in the Villages of Veeraghattam and Palakonda Mandals in Srikakulam District, A.P, India.
Nadikatla Santhosh Kumar1, Mushini Venkata Subba Rao1*and M. P. S. Murali Krishna2
1Department of Chemistry, Rajam, G M R Institute of Technology, Srikakulam, 532127 Andhra Pradesh India
2Chemistry Department, Andhra Polytechnic, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh India
Human beings require potable water for drinking to keep them healthy. Clean, safe and adequate fresh water is vital to the survival of all living organisms. Drinking water affects the health of human beings due to the presence of various dissolved chemical constituents. Problems arising out of chemical constituents in drinking water are different from the problems of microbial contamination. Therefore, consumers should have at least minimum knowledge on quality of drinking water. People across the world depend on ground water for drinking. Ground water is a major source, so based on the importance of the matter; a research topic is taken up on the assessment of quality of groundwater in the selected areas of villages in Veeraghattam and Palakonda Mandals of Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh. This preliminary study assessed the quality of physical and chemical characteristic properties of underground water in the selected locations of 40 villages in Veeraghattam and 39 villages in Palakonda Mandals of Srikakulam District. Some physico chemical characteristic parameters are estimated in the samples and the results obtained are compared with the available standard values such as WHO and BIS.
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Kumar N. S, Rao M. V. S, Krishna M. P. S. M. Study of Some Physical & Chemical Characteristic Properties of Ground Water in the Villages of Veeraghattam and Palakonda Mandals in Srikakulam District, A.P, India. Curr World Environ 2015;10(2) DOI:
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Nadikatla Santhosh Kumar N. S, Rao M. V. S, Krishna M. P. S. M. Study of Some Physical & Chemical Characteristic Properties of Ground Water in the Villages of Veeraghattam and Palakonda Mandals in Srikakulam District, A.P, India. Curr World Environ 2015;10(2). Available from://