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Measurement of Odour Concentration from Livestock Farm

Lukman Ismail1*, Zaini Sakawi2and Mohamad Khalil Saipi1

1School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi Selangor Malaysia

2Earth Observation Centre, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi Selangor Malaysia


Odourpollution originated from livestock farms is a form of harmful air pollution.Odour pollution causes health issues to the surrounding local communities. Yet, odour pollution issues have not been given deserving attention by the relevant authorities and the Malaysian public. To raise the awareness, this study highlights a case of odour pollution generated from cattle and buffalo farms in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.Odour measurement was taken using an instrument called Concentration Meter Xp-369 Series III. Measurement was taken during various weather and times, usually on normal days and after rains. Observationswere conducted at different times inthe mornings, evenings and nights. Ten stations were selected as locations for measuring the odour concentration within two kilometres from the livestock farms. The results indicated that after rain odour concentration gave higher readings compared to those of normal days.This phenomenon was caused by the meteorological factors such as temperature, comparative humidity; and variation in wind speed and directions on normal days and after rains.Enhancement of livestock management is suggested for mitigating the odour pollution.

Odour concentration; Odour pollution; Meteorological factors; Management of livestock farms

Copy the following to cite this article:

Ismail L, Sakawi Z, Saipi M. K. Measurement of Odour Concentration from Livestock Farm. Curr World Environ 2014;9 (2) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.9.2.06

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Ismail L, Sakawi Z, Saipi M. K. Measurement of Odour Concentration from Livestock Farm. Curr World Environ 2014;9(2). Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=6355

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