Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Recycling of Shredded Currency Waste of RBI for Making Handmade Paper
Ashish Khandelwal1*and Sunita Chauhan1
Enzymatic recycling process of shredded currency waste was conducted at Kummarappa National Handmade Paper Institute Jaipur. The present study was aimed at recycling of shredded currency waste of Reserve Bank of India in the form of good quality hand made paper and products. Kummarappa National Handmade Paper Institute has already developed a simple technology for currency recycling. An effort was made to utilize blend of certain microbial enzymes for the recycling of shredded currency waste. It was observed that with the application of identified enzymes, a better quality pulp could be produced as compared to the conventionally produced pulp. Therefore, the enzymatic route of recycling the shredded currency waste of RBI for making handmade paper and products was found to be very useful. The tag of “Bio-processing”/enzymatically processed handmade paper” might help in improving the competitiveness of the Indian handmade paper industry especially in the international markets.
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Khandelwal A, Chauhan S, Parihar S, Dixit P, Kumar S.R. Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Recycling of Shredded Currency Waste of RBI for Making Handmade Paper. Curr World Environ 2011:6(1);77-85. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.6.1.10
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Khandelwal A, Chauhan S, Parihar S, Dixit P, Kumar S.R. Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Recycling of Shredded Currency Waste of RBI for Making Handmade Paper. Curr World Environ 2011:6(1);77-85. Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=1281