Morphology, physico-chemical properties and classification of some vertisols of Jabalpur
P.N. Tripathi1*
Three Vertisol pedons in Jabalpur district, were morphologically studied, characterized and classified. The soils are very deep, colour ranges from dark brown (10YR3/1) to very dark grey (10YR4/3) in different horizons. The texture of deep soils clay of all pedons throughout the profile. Crack of 2-3 cm wide extends beyond one meter. Slickensides, wedge shaped aggreagates, Fe, Mn and calcrets are observed in all the soils pedons. The soil are imperfectly drained. The soils are calcareous and PH ranged form neutral to mildy alkaline. The organic carbon content in these soils were low to medium in surface and that too decreased with depth. Effervescence was observed in all the soils pedons in lower horizons. The soils are base rich and high in CEC : clay ratio (0.60 to 0.93) and are classifed as Typic Haplusterts.
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Tripathi P.N. Morphology, physico-chemical properties and classification of some vertisols of Jabalpur. Curr World Environ 2006;1(1):51-55 DOI:
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Tripathi P.N. Morphology, physico-chemical properties and classification of some vertisols of Jabalpur. Curr World Environ 2006;1(1):51-55. Available from://