How robust is executive summary in an environmental impact assessment report for decision-making: an Indian case-study
1CEPT University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat India
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Krishan G, Chandniha S. K, Lohani A. K, Yadav B. K, Arora N. K, Singh S, Kumar C. P, Sharma L. M, Bhardwaj A. K. Assessment of heavy metals in relation to soilpollution atMewat, Haryana, India. Curr World Environ 2018;13(Special-issue 3-2018). DOI:
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Krishan G, Chandniha S. K, Lohani A. K, Yadav B. K, Arora N. K, Singh S, Kumar C. P, Sharma L. M, Bhardwaj A. K. Assessment of heavy metals in relation to soilpollution atMewat, Haryana, India. Curr World Environ 2018;13(Special-issue 3-2018). Available from: